Washingtonian Article on Mid-Atlantic Skiing
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DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
The Colonel
November 28, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
I was thumbing through the Dec. issue of the Washingtonian when I ran across a couple page article about our local ski resorts, with comments from generally well known residents about the ski areas they most frequent.
Weatherman Topper Shutt favored Timberline and Wisp, Connie Long favored Whitetail, Brett Baier likes Whitetail and Wintergreen for longer stays, Maryland First Lady Kendel Ehlrich enjoys Wisp, Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel is positive about Snowshoe, sports reporter Steve Buckhantz goes to Massanutten, Chef Russel Cunningham also is a Massanutten fan, John Phillips is mentioned as high on Blue Knob and Elk Mt., Doreen Gentzler prefers Wintergreen, photographer S. Brown likes Canaan Valley for cross country, AND OUR OWN BELOVED SCOTT SMITH (DCSki EDITOR) muses about fun trips to Whitetail, Liberty and Seven Springs. Each personality provides insight into why certain resorts have appeal for them. It is a fun read.
WAY TO GO SCOTT...and they gave you a plug for DCSki.com!!
The Colonel
JimK - DCSki Columnist
November 29, 2006
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,017 posts
I haven't read the article, but will look for it. It was authored by DCSki contributor Matthew Graham. Way to go Matthew!
November 29, 2006
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I turned Topper on to the Canaan Valley area. He would never mention Tucker Co,wv in any of his F-casts. It was always Garrett Co,md & FLURRIES...I got so sick of hearing of only flurries up in Garrett co, when I would hear from friends in davis who would tell me that it was dumping there, that I began to call him regularly. After many calls during his breaks & trying to School him on the Highlands of WV he finally broke down & did a mini Special on Canaan Valley. He Expressed surprise at the amount of snow this gem recieves & I guess the rest is history...he favors TL!...Doug Hill threatened me with Harrasment & told me to go buy land in Tucker if I loved the place so much...I DID..Sue palka was a sweetheart & the rest of them were receptive. Topper was always Funny...Hill a GRUMP. The older members have heard this before..this is for the newbies.

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