Advantage Card
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December 7, 2006
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts
Is anyone else having issues with Whitetail delivering Advantage cards?

I bought mine back in OCT.... still no card. I called this week, they said I had to email them a photo for the card. Done. I ask them do I pick it up at the window on opening day? Where is it?

Still no reply.

I am going opening day, and I am getting my discounted ticket.

G out.
December 7, 2006
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
423 posts

You should have received a letter explaining the situation. Normally, most people get their picture taken at the mountain and pick up their cards at the mountain (you can also get your cards made at the DC ski show). When you get to Whitetail, go to the Guest Services office (to the right of the ticket windows). That's where you'll have your card made and while you are there, they can sell you your tickets for the day (so you don't have to wait in line at the ticket window). Things are always a bit hectic on opening day. Get there early.
December 8, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
If you have the time, you might be able to go up before opening day and have it done. (Call ahead first to make sure someone can do it).

The system they have is the same for season passes and employee cards so they make them all right there. It's a quick process if there is no line.
December 8, 2006
Member since 10/24/2005 🔗
145 posts
I picked mine up but in phone discussions was told that they need a signature on file before a card can be issued. Liability concerns dictate this.

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