TImberline/Canaan Christmas Weekend
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December 18, 2003
Member since 01/2/2003 🔗
56 posts
Can anyone tell me how crowded it typically is during Christmas weekend? Does Timberline usually have much terrain open at that time? Worth the trip? Thanks
December 18, 2003
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
358 posts
By Christmas weekend, do you mean pre or post-Christmas?

Usually pre-Christmas isn't too terrible. But that stretch between Christmas and New Year's usually sees quite a bit of traffic.

Think snow!

December 19, 2003
Member since 01/2/2003 🔗
56 posts
How about open terrain for the 26-28? I don't mind a crowd if there is someplace to ski.

Anyone planning a trip to T-Line?

December 19, 2003
Member since 12/31/2001 🔗
113 posts
T-line will open Salamander this weekend so that frees up a lot of guns for the rest of the mountain. I have seen timberline in the past open 2-3 trails all at once. As we all know and have been over, Timberline ensists on having deep bases 40+ before they open trails. This being said it takes a longer time to open trails. I would expect to see a lot of the smaller trails open before and during christmas. They are making snow on Almost heaven, Winterset and others. I usually never venture to timberline until Late December at the earliest and they tend to keep snow on the mountain when other resorts are well closed.

I'm going up there on the 26th myself so I hope they are in good shape.

North Conway
December 19, 2003
Member since 11/18/2003 🔗
17 posts
I plan on heading up Saturday and staying till the 24th, return for the big day and then head back up to T-line the 27th and staying till Jan 5th or 6th. I will post when I return on the 24th( as will many) the conditions to let you know for the 26th and beyond.
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