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January 18, 2007
Member since 01/14/2007 🔗
12 posts
I appreciate all the help I got to help me ride better. Does anyone have any suggestions that are great for freestyle riding, set up wise. I am looking to work on riding switch and want a good set up that will allow me to work both ways. I am set up 15 Degree duck feet. Got any other suggestions for riding freestlye???
January 19, 2007
Member since 11/15/2005 🔗
374 posts
How big are your feet? If you want to be able to ride and land tricks switch, you're generally going to be best off with either square or duck. So either both feet squared off (this would require small feet, generally, to avoid boot-out and also impedes carving ability, IMHO) or some duck footed set-up. Assuming you stick with duck, experiment a little with your angles. If you ride regular foot, open your left foot a little more than your right, or vice versa if you are goofy foot. The reason for experimenting with that type of set up would be that you presumably are riding with your strong foot forward more, even if you do ride and land switch some. If you open the foot that you are generally leading with more, you won't sacrifice as much on the carving side. Tweak it around and experiment, something will typically strike you as the best compromise and feel the most natural to you.
January 19, 2007
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
423 posts
15 degree duck should work fine for riding switch. Now just go out and practice. One problem common to switch riding is that whatever problems you tend to have forward riding (without necessarily knowing that you have them) are magnified in switch riding, because it is natural to do less or smaller movements than when riding forward. You tend to get "caught" in trouble easier.
January 27, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
358 posts
As far as freestyle riding is concerned (which is not the same as freeriding), you're going to want a wide, ducked-out and centered stance. If you don't have a twin-tip board this is going to be hard to do (as far as the centering goes). Freeriding, on the other hand (we're talking hucking massive cliffs, b/c booter sessions, and general deep, soft snow conditions), is better accomplished with a stance set towards the back (or "centered" on a directional board) and less of a negative angle in the back (you can actually ride with the back binding at 0, if you don't plan on landing anything switch). And always remember: whatever direction you're spinning, grab in the same direction... it keeps your shoulders going in the correct direction (frontside: "open-up" your upper body with a melon, stalefish, etc. backside: mute, occasionally indy, tail, etc).

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