Freshies this weekend.
January 28, 2007
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Lake effect going off.

It seems to be reaching all the way down to DC and the eastern shore. But it looks like the areas west of the Allegheny front might get the most.
Snow Advisory
How about freshies this evening?

Why wait till the weekend to get em?!
Canaan is getting hammered right now! My wife drove up today and is on location - snowin' hard right now (4PM Thurs). She had to shovel at least a foot of fresh to get to the door!
Yeah thats what my wife said too. Said it was about 16 degrees with 3-4" on the roads.
About time someone got the word to the east coast that it's WINTER. Have fun in the snow all!
How about freshies this evening?
Why wait till the weekend to get em?!
Well If I lived at CV!!! 
This is supposed to continue all weekend and Laural Mt. (7S, HV) and CV areas should get the best of it.
Hey D would you guys adopt me? i'm housebroken, fairly adept at eating with utensils, don't drink or smoke (much) and have been to obedience school (didn;t graduate but i'm still working online to complete my studies for a diploma)
Yeh, but you stay up past your beddie bye time..(Last nites late post)..Man...WV ALPPS & the rest of the mid atl APPS are ruling the world right now!..This morn it was snowing & 15 at Canaan/TL While it was 15 below & overcast at Stowe..(19 below in NH)..With a F-Cast of a half FOOT+++ at Canaan, Where would you pick?.....Remember what I Preach folks...New england is too cold..Out West is too friggin High & Too Far...WV Is JUST RIGHT...Bring on ALMOST HEAVEN!!!!!!!
We got ripped off here in SW VA, I was hoping to get at least 3-5 of lake effect but, as of 7pm it looks like the banding of snow is going away....we picked up about 2 inches.
I was hoping to do some skiing on my private hill......maybe the wind will keep blowin overnight and the snow fence will do its thing!
There was some whiteout conditions here in Wardensville throughout the afternoon at times the whole valley area was like it was in a cloud. However all we got was just a dusting before the sun came back out once more.
It was serious freshies all day today, should be more tomorrow and again on Saturday.
Pure white out conditions, 8+ in the trees, over and over perfect day.
Hmmmm... 8+ in the trees? Another 8", and my rock skiis and... Could be a super weekend!

About time someone got the word to the east coast that it's WINTER. Have fun in the snow all!
It's was -9F when I went for my first runs this am. It's warmed up to -4F at noon. I'd say it's quite seasonable up here in Vt.
Wow Check the radar! A huge Blue splotch extending from 7S all the way to the UP of Michigan is heading right for the Allegheny front... I will need the fat skis this weekend!!@@!@!@!
funny- upslope usually has a nice ring to it from my circle. up in VT we hear "upslope" and we salvate. what do you guys get down here for upslope events? up in northern VT they can go from 1 foot for a good event to over 2ft on a really good one (which are great, cause it's so localized nobody in the population centers hears about it and crowds are non-existent- at least weekdays)
Out here in the PNW the major snow we get is upslope snow. In fact, when the front comes through the snowpack usually takes a hit... but each cold front brings freshies through the following days. Thank you adiabatic cooling!
Hey,Hey,Hey...Your not the ONO one that gets good "Upslope". We usually get our upslopes in a combo Pkg of events that during a couple of days can pile up a foot & a half! If you just had to isolate the upslope from our Lake Effect,Lake Enhanced,Alberta Clipper/Clipper types,Shortwaves Cut offs.Warm air ADV/Cold air ADV..Ect...You are only talking 2 to 3 inches, maybe a half a foot...sometimes more for an extended event......NOW..Travis is located in an area that would get WALLOPPED in a Neaster...15 to 30++....thats what he is talking about!!...(PS Above mentioned snow events work best with the western side of the alleghany front at the higher elevations..Neasters can work better for the east side but our ski areas in WV/Pa will usually get PASTED!)
EXAMPLE...Late tonite..or lets just say Sun,we will have a shortwave digging out of the Great lakes & dropping down on us giving us a 3 inch snow after which the flow becomes NW Sun nite with a transition to more of an UPSLOPE pattern which will give our highlands another 3"'s in a 12 hour period.This will linger on into mon morn for another inch.....we could get 7 more from this "PKG"...That would give us like 35 to 40 inches in a week & a half!!!!!!! & still more to come!!!..(Using Info from NWS Charleston,WV)
what kinda snow does the souther apps get
guess my elitist assumption was a bit off- 35-40" in a 10 day span is not too bad at all.
what do you guys get down here on an average year? 150-200" even? that's not too shabby for being so far south. i should really try to check out some ski hills in WV...
WV is the bullseye for this type of pattern we are in. No big snows, just a lot of little dumps(all powder) that add up! We get 150"'s at 3200' & I'd like to think 200"'s on my Fav Mtn at nearly 4800'...but nobody has been taking tabs up there. If we get a decent amount in Canaan this year our 5 year Ave could get up to 170/180...My Math was off as usual ONO...that snow figure will come from a 15 day period not a week & a Half...still GOOD! Mt. Mansfield will always be King but we can hang with the big boys!