7 Springs directions
February 19, 2007
Ya'd think i would know how to get there by now
but i may be coming in from the south instead of the west. Suggestions for Friendsville MD to Champion PA?
I would go up to 40, and take 40 West to Farmington. Make a right there to get onto 381. The easiest way from 381, in my opinion, would be to wait and make the right at the 4 way stop sign which would then basically take you to the main entrance. I think there is also a way to get in to Springs through Indian Head, which you will come to on 381 shortly before the 4-way, but going to the main entrance is easiest.
Thanks Leo, I ended up doing this backward from 7 springs to Friendsville. Probably should have stayed on 40E to US219 and then south to McHenry? 8 mile stretch from US40 to downtown Friendsville was snow covered & slow going.