Hey All-
Quick note on February weather. Since the beginning of September, I've been tracking temps in four locations: where I live now (near Lenexa, KS), Blacksburg, Tracy's Landing MD (where my parents live) and BWI Airport (near where I used to live), just to see which place is the coolest or warmest.
So far, the general relation between the four locations have tracked close to the averages- warmer here than the east coast until about December, then colder here, then warmer again starting soon. Actual temps were Fall was generally below average, early winter (as if you didn't know this) above average, then it turned sharply colder again in all locations.
What's interesting is I just ran the February numbers for all four locations using weather.com, and February was a really good month at each spot. Temps ranged from 4 degrees below normal in Blacksburg to almost 7 degrees below normal at BWI. Except here, all of the locations were below the JANUARY average temperatures (and we were just barely above Jan avg temps here), and none of the three locations I'm tracking back east broke 60- didn't even get close. Interestingly, every night at BWI was at or below freezing in the month of Feb.
In retrospect, I kind of wish I was keeping track of temps up in the mountains, but I guess that's what Andy is for with all of his hidden weather instruments on MPC...