Hi folks,
Been a while since I posted about the Snowshoe/Slatyfork sewer plant topic. Thought I'd let you know about an update on 8RiversSafeDevelopment.com.
You can now
make a contribution online to support Eight Rivers Safe Development in their efforts at protecting the Elk River watershed and the significant cave/karst region of Slatyfork from the hastily-proposed sewer plant project. Eight Rivers Safe Development is engaged in a legal effort to have the WVDEP perform an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as required by federal law.
If you make a contribution of $10 or more, you'll receive their "Save Cave Rivers" bumper sticker featuring Whitney*, the Cambarus Elkensis crayfish - one of only two crayfish species endemic to West Virginia, and whose only habitat is the Elk River.
Please make your contribution today. Here's the link:
Contribute to Eight Rivers Safe Development
Thanks folks, take care. :-)
*Named after Whitney Stocker, the discoverer of this unique species of crayfish of Pocahontas County's Elk River.