Hi folks,
Been a while since I posted about the Snowshoe/Slatyfork sewer problem. Below are some links on 8RiversSafeDevelopment.com and SaveTheSharpFarm.com that will bring you up to speed.
First of all, it is a great loss to Slatyfork that
Luther David Sharp, Jr. passed away recently. "Dave" ran the Sharp's Country Store and Bed and Breakfast for longer than I've lived, only a few years ago handing the reins to Tom Shipley around the time this sewer fiasco started.
I'd like to share some of my personal thoughts on this if I may. The loss of Dave Sharp is the loss of a guard of Slatyfork, indeed of Pocahontas County. The contributions and values of deep-rooted folks such as Dave is infinitely more important to the quality of life of a community than any number of second-homers who have neither depth nor perspective of the area. To say, "Wow, it's beautiful, let's build a house there!" is one thing. But it is quite another thing to say "I live there." So it is sad to me, as the area faces the prospect of being consumed by progress and prosperity, when each tried-and-true member of the community passes on.
Okay, those are my thoughts. Now, to bring you up to speed on the status of the sewer plant issue...
There is talk of the Pocahontas PSD trying to find a different site - one that wouldn't require eminent domain to take the Sharp Farm site. That is certainly something to be hopeful about. Keep in mind, however, that the site(s) they are considering don't change the impact to the watershed of the Upper Elk River; their thinking is still a huge, monolithic facility.
Commission seeks grant for wastewater treatment plant site relocation
http://www.8RiversSafeDevelopment.com/news/article.php?article=68Regarding Alternative Site Studies
http://www.8RiversSafeDevelopment.com/news/article.php?article=69As far as I know, the bogus WVDEP/Snowshoe Consent Decree is still in the works. Hopefully that won't get approved. It is as in-your-face as corrupt state government can be. Basically, the WVDEP has weakened effluent limits to accommodate Snowshoe. This is not protection, this is destruction:
WVDEP/Snowshoe Consent Decree
http://www.8RiversSafedevelopment.com/news/article.php?article=65Letter To Editor from Tolly Peuleche of The Elk Headwaters Watershed Association
http://www.8RiversSafedevelopment.com/news/article.php?article=70Letter To Editor from David Fleming
http://www.SaveTheSharpFarm.com/news/article.php?article=96DEP to settle Snowshoe dispute
http://www.8RiversSafeDevelopment.com/news/article.php?article=66Thanks, and take care. :-)