Massanutten accident
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JimK - DCSki Columnist
January 26, 2004
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,019 posts
Did anyone see this story in Wash Post about the onslope death last week at Massanutten?

It's enough to make me think about purchasing a helmet. Victim was an advanced snowboarder and sounded like a terrific individual. Wonder if Massanutten Phil knew him?

January 26, 2004
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts
That is a terrible tragedy - I pray for his family.

Atleast we can all learn from his mistake and wear a helmet - hopefully atleast one life will be saved because someone was inspired to wear a helmet due to this tragedy. That is about the only positive thing I can even vaguely think of coming out of this.

January 29, 2004
Member since 11/9/2001 🔗
221 posts
Phil, it was a scary story - especially given his ability level. Do you know if the accident happened where Dixie Dare merges near mid-chair? A large steep sometimes forms on skiier's left right there. I wonder if it was there.
January 30, 2004
I barely knew him. I will always be thankful for him because he was the snowboard club trip coordinator and who went through the pains of organizing a spring break trip to Jackson Hole for a few of us who he didn't even know, even though he couldn't even go. We had a blast and I've been back every year since. Without him we wouldnt' have went anywhere that year nor would I have become such good friends with the people I went with.
Accidents like this make me really value my time, as you never know when an accident will happen. I know I've charged every slope at massanutten hunderds of times with reckless abandon and no helmet and have never came away with anything more than an occasional scrape or bruise.
January 31, 2004
I'm really not sure, but I believe my friend told me it happened on the side of the trail almost off of it. I'm sure ice was involved as Upper Dixie Dare and Mass Transit(slope on the other side of rebel yell) are two of the most consistently icey slopes around.

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