Well thanks wgo, but I think you're being too kind. The resolution on my vids is terrible. Particularly the recent one of Extrovert. The footage in my camera and on my PC is considerably better than what transfers to you tube, apparently a degradation occurs when posted there? Anybody know a better quality free host? I saw a post on epicski using putfile that was much clearer, but that could be due to a better camera/source than my cheap digital. The epic vid is here:
http://media.putfile.com/Gathering-Day-1-teaserBTW, this is from just a couple days ago and I think tromano and JohnL are shown walking an Alta traverse about midway thru, just before somebody does a spread eagle. Those guys should come back with amazing stories.
BTW2, if you haven't been to BK, my vid covers only the lower third of the Extrovert run, the still shot in trip report only covers lower two thirds. It's an impressively long black diamond for these parts.