How was the skiing this weekend?
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The Colonel
March 23, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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What do you think of the chances for a good ski weekend next weekend?
The Colonel \:\)
March 23, 2008
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
This week looks to be pretty good as far as keeping snow around. Looks like next weekend may not be too bad.
March 23, 2008
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
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Great forecast!!! One more weekend to go!
March 23, 2008
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts
Massanutten was actually really good this weekend, especially Diamond Jim.

Alas, it is over now for me - I am done for the season.
March 23, 2008
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
1,535 posts
Snowshoe was amazing for Spring skiing. I have to hand it to the SS management, and ski operations. Between yesterday and this morning, they patched up the entire face of the main mountain as well as the Western Territory to ensure that this morning the conditions were absolutely superb. Cupp and Upper Shays were in excellent conditions. Even the highly transited areas by the "bunny slope" and Ballhooter received new snow and the groomers' touch. All in all, amazing recovery from the slings and arrows of Global Warming...
March 23, 2008
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
I skied Wintergreen today, and it was a nice mostly sunny day to close out the season there. Because of cold temps overnight, the snow was quite good in the morning but slushed up a bit by the end of the day (which let boilerplate ice poke through in some spots -- that is one solid base!). It was chilly there, and I actually added a layer after lunch. I skied my Public Enemies for the first time this season, and was reminded how awesome they are in spring snow.

They had a bunch of huge jumps built up on Dobie, and I think that snow will be around for weeks. Other than Dobie and Eagle's Swoop, all the other trails were closed and already had 50-70% of their snow gone. I don't think Wintergreen got to lay down their typical deep base this season. In past years they have closed later in the season and with much more snow on the ground.

Lou, I am glad to hear SS is doing such a good job maintaining conditions. They really make a strong effort all the way to the end. I wish I could have made it out there today, but it was too much for a day trip this time. The next couple days ought to be great there weatherwise.
March 24, 2008
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
Hey SkiBum, were you patrolling Saturday afternoon/night? I made it up there for the second time on Saturday. My family goes every Easter and they've only been open twice since I took up boarding. Diamond Jim was in GREAT shape Saturday afternoon. I was really enjoying the heavy snow. Its really fun to carve in. I was out for about 3 hours in the afternoon hitting Diamond Jim, then practicing my switch riding down Southern Comfort. Its nice and humbling to glide down a black diamond effortlessly and then fall 5 times on a green slope. \:\) I came back again from 9-10 after swimming and the conditions had firmed up a lot. It was still a blast though finding a good line and the right places to dig in for your turns through the re-frozen slush buildup from the afternoon.

One question, what is the reason for not being able to strap in on the lift. I was doing this all day not knowing it was against the rules. It was really easy to do with the ski rests on the Diamond Jim Quad. About 9:15 or so I got off the lift and the lifty yelled at me not to do that again. Are they afraid you'll fall off the lift trying to strap in? Personally I feel safer doing that with the restraining bar down than getting off the lift with one leg unstrapped. That's the quickest way to mess up your knee on a board. Anyway, just curious.

I think Mass did a GREAT job of putting down a great base and keeping everything in shape given the weather this year and the rains we've gotten in the past week or so. Thumbs up!
March 24, 2008
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
1,535 posts
Skier, take the day off and let's ski. It was awesome today and tomorrow it will be better.
March 24, 2008
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts
 Originally Posted By: JR
Hey SkiBum, were you patrolling Saturday afternoon/night? I made it up there for the second time on Saturday. My family goes every Easter and they've only been open twice since I took up boarding. Diamond Jim was in GREAT shape Saturday afternoon. I was really enjoying the heavy snow. Its really fun to carve in. I was out for about 3 hours in the afternoon hitting Diamond Jim, then practicing my switch riding down Southern Comfort. Its nice and humbling to glide down a black diamond effortlessly and then fall 5 times on a green slope. \:\) I came back again from 9-10 after swimming and the conditions had firmed up a lot. It was still a blast though finding a good line and the right places to dig in for your turns through the re-frozen slush buildup from the afternoon.

I was only on Sunday morning until around 1 o'clock, then had to leave to visit the parents for Easter. But, yeah, the snow was really good all weekend and Diamond Jim has a really nice base. I was in the Waterpark on Saturday - that flowrider they got there is has got to be the coolest thing that I've ever seen! That thing is such a blast - cannot friggan wait until they get that Kalahari resort built here in Fredericksburg, than I'll have one not even 2 miles from my place!

 Originally Posted By: JR
One question, what is the reason for not being able to strap in on the lift. I was doing this all day not knowing it was against the rules. It was really easy to do with the ski rests on the Diamond Jim Quad. About 9:15 or so I got off the lift and the lifty yelled at me not to do that again. Are they afraid you'll fall off the lift trying to strap in? Personally I feel safer doing that with the restraining bar down than getting off the lift with one leg unstrapped. That's the quickest way to mess up your knee on a board. Anyway, just curious.

I honestly don't know. My guess is that they are indeed afraid that someone could fall off the lift why trying to strap in. You, being an experience boarder may know how to properly strap in while riding up the lift, but Joe Public First-Timer on the chair behind you may not, but he sees you and thinks "Cool, I should try that" he goes and tries and ends up falling off. Oh believe me, there is a lot of "monkey see, monkey do" that goes on at these places - somebody sees something that looks cool, they go and try the same thing and ended up biffing it hard. It sucks, but that is reality and something we have to take into account when seeing what could be a potentially unsafe act.

 Originally Posted By: JR
I think Mass did a GREAT job of putting down a great base and keeping everything in shape given the weather this year and the rains we've gotten in the past week or so. Thumbs up!

Yeah, I've always been impressed with how good they tend to keep snow at Massanutten. They do have an excellent snowmaking/snowgrooming crew there that definitely takes pride in their work. These guys are the unsung heroes, having to work out there late at night, typically in some pretty cold, unforgiving weather, after all the rest of us are back home in our cozy beds, working to give us a surface that we can carve up that next morning! In fact, that is one of the reasons why Paradise, Mass Transit and Yee-Ha was never opened - they've been concentrating on getting a good base on what has been managed to get opened, and the weather just never cooperated enough to get a good enough base on those last three trails.

BTW, Massanutten will be opened until Tuesday - shame I have to go back to my regular day job otherwise, I may have stuck around to get those last few turns in.

Part of me tempted to cruise up to T-line or something that may still be opened, but don't know if that will work out. I guess I am pretty much done for the season.
March 24, 2008
Member since 02/19/2008 🔗
28 posts
I have to second the idea that "snowshoe was amazing for spring skiing" for sure. I was certainly suprised, it snowed every day we were there, and portions of the place on Sunday were REALLY fantastic as they were able to make new snow Saturday night. But thin & bare spots were also seriously common.. I think it was Sawmill maybe with a GIGANTIC missing patch.. there was only a very narrow strip to allow passage past that area ( I side slid through that.. too narrow for me to turn), and there were several others like Skipjack maybe it is.. a blue run. I'm suprised that the groomers aren't moving around some of the snow to cover those.. there is plenty of piles to do so with. But I digress, they have fantastic conditions overall, and it wasn't very crowded and I didn't want to leave.

All in all, we really had a fantastic time. I finished up our Snowshoe trip with Sawmill, Camp 99 & Cupp Run... WOW cupp is L-O-N-G, thank goodness for the foot rests on the lift! Cupp is officially the first run to create "thigh burn" for me, it was quite a challenge at my skill level to handle the endurance required, but I did great.

We picked up buy 1 get one free gear at the Ski Barn on the way out, and nearly stopped at Winterplace (on our way back) since it was apparently OPEN (supposed to close on Easter) but we were already running late. But we DID hear on the radio that they are staying open through March 30th for 9-5 sessions at a big discount.

Well.. when we got home, it was snowing, in fact it pretty much snowed on us for the entire 6 hour trip back from Snowshoe! So.. turns out.. we're headed to Appalachian (in NC) tomorrow, they are making snow right now, had fresh powder today AND they are FULLY open. We haven't been there yet, it's small but as previously stated, the conditions are GOOD.. so off we go! Perfect to try out some of my new BOGO gear!

Next weekend? Might hit winterplace for the final hoorah! Or Appalachian if we enjoy ourselves tomorrow. Spring has NOT sprung here in the Smokies! (I'm sure the dogwoods & easter lillies are disagreeing with me, but hey, they don't ski.. what do they know!! )
March 24, 2008
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
Sounds good Dawn! Let us know how Appalachian was.
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
March 25, 2008
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
941 posts
App will be fun this wkend, see below. Tiny, even by tiny standards, but good vibes and always the best snow in the area. Perfect for my 6 year old. With this years conditions in the northern blue ridge, that took the place of our WG trips.

Saturday, March 29

-10:30am - High Ollie Contest
-11:30am - Cardboard Box Derby
-1:30pm - Ski and Snowboard Big Air
-4:00pm - Trash Bag Downhill Race

Sunday, March 30

-10:30am - 80' Long Rail Contest
-1:00pm - Pond Skim and Costume Contest
-4:00pm - Chinese Downhill

edit: and the web cam looks gorgeous right now at 9:15am

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