skiing bucket list
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JimK - DCSki Columnist
April 23, 2008
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,014 posts
I think we did this topic before, but I couldn't find the thread. Someone point me to it if it's out there.

What are the top 5 or 10 things you'd put on your skiing bucket list? Stuff/places/experiences you hope to do before your days are over - snow riding related of course.
April 23, 2008
Member since 02/18/2008 🔗
177 posts
1. Heli skiing
2. Skiing in Chile or New Zealand in August
Not sure after that. Just more days on the slopes.
April 23, 2008
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
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1. Heli Skiing Whistler
2. Taking a village-to-village skiing trip through Austria
3, Pay off my ski condo
April 23, 2008
Member since 11/15/2004 🔗
143 posts
1) Skiing in Latin America
2) Skiing in Switzerland
3) Conquering my first double black diamond slope
April 23, 2008
Member since 12/3/2007 🔗
79 posts
all we can ask for in life good snow good friends good beer
Roger Z
April 23, 2008
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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Some of these approach the nearly-impossible, but still:

1) Heli-ski trip in British Columbia or Alaska
2) First Descent in the Wrangells
3) Live somewhere where I can take up telemarking and backcountry skiing
4) My birthday (July 16th) at Portillo
5) My wife becomes an expert skier who bashes moguls with me
6) My kids love skiing as much as I do (probably the number one bucket list goal)
JimK - DCSki Columnist
April 23, 2008
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,014 posts
I guess most of my list would center on Europe.

-ski the Vallee Blanche, 12 miles/9000' vertical intermediate run with great scenery above Chamonix, France:
-take the glacier express train ride from St. Moritz to Zermatt and ski at both places:
-ski the Sella Ronda circuit in the Italian Dolomites:
-do a ski week in France's Les 3 Vallees:
-I'm interested in Western Canada, actually Banff/Lake Louise more than W/B, but both would be great.
-Never been to Jackson Hole, but concerned that my age, fitness and skills have diminished to a point where I couldn't really do it justice, same with a heli skiing trip
-I'd love to take Amtrak and make a grand 3 week tour of US, skiing at Winter Park, Sunlight/Aspen, Utah, North Lake Tahoe, then return via Mt Hood, Idaho, Whitefish Mtn MT, but that would certainly have to wait for retirement years.
-I need to ski Stowe. Only time I was there, 1971, I had to stick to Spruce Peak under parental orders due to recent broken arm.
-some of the above will never happen, but one thing I hope to realize in a few years is living slopeside or nearly slopeside for extended winter periods as a retired person, probably at a good second tier ski area either in New England or the Rockies. If I had that kind of daily access to good skiing it might lessen interest in some of the more exotic items on bucket list.

-knocked off a minor bucket list item last month with a fine, first time ski trip to Quebec enjoying two of their best areas, Mont Sainte Anne and Le Massif.

Bucket lists are very self indulgent. As a family guy I'd definitely have to bring family/friends along to ease my guilt :-)
April 23, 2008
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
1,326 posts

- get into a latex suit and onto some 220cm boards

- Newfoundland on touring skis

- Derby de La Meije

- tandem telemark

- carve linked 360s on snowblades (less than 10m radius)

- take a run at Planica
The Colonel
April 23, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
My quick reaction "ski bucket list":
1. Re-find my powder technique that I enjoyed oh, so much during a seventies trip to Utah. Take lessons and be healthy enough to enjoy the skiing. Probably would have to get myself into much better shape.
2. Get a slope slide place in Snowshoe for me and my kids and grandkids.
3. Continue to be able to afford to take the kids and grandkids skiing.
4. My GRAND DREAM: Take my extended family to Utah or smoewhere else out West, the day after Christmas for 5 days of skiing; then go to Pasadena with all to watch the Rose Parade in perfect sunny weather. Better yet, get a place out west beginning a few days before Christmas, have my family ornaments and gifts shipped out in advance and have the place decorated when we arrive a few days before Christmas, with Santa's gifts coming on Christmas, of course.
5. Find a friend to ski with on a fairly regular basis here in the East and perhaps elsewhere. Unfortunately my wife is not a skier.
More later.
The Colonel \:\)
April 23, 2008
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,352 posts
I think that one has to take a list like this one at a time, and opportunistically.

I am going to retire this summer or early fall. Lots of things on the 'List' beckon. Still, while working I have managed some cool things, all of them in conjunction with business trips.

Backcountry skiing in both Yosemite and Yellowstone.

Backcountry skiing among the huge trees in Sequoia National Park (Mar. 2008)

Backcountry skiing Tioga Pass (east gate to Yosemite) shortly after it opened (July 2004)

Skiing Mt. Washington with my oldest grandson, then 7, and with my daughter and son. (OK, this one not business)

Skiing Loveland Pass, CO by hitching rides up the pass, hiking out, choosing a line, and skiing down (may 2007) and soon to be repeated.

You just have to be open to adventure and willing to pounce on it when the opportunity appears.

I look forward to a lot more such opportunities after retirement.
April 24, 2008
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
 Originally Posted By: Denis

...........You just have to be open to adventure and willing to pounce on it when the opportunity appears.


My Wife & I live by your moto.

Hmmmm....let me think about this one.

I'd like to take a ski trip to VT in the end of April, where I can wear shorts, T-shirts, & my Tevas. I'd like to ski all day in short sleeves under blue skies. For apres ski, I'd like to sit in the village drinking beer while wearing shorts and in my bare feet. For an added bonus, I'd throw in a fellow DCskier for company.

Oops, just did that. I guess I can check that one off the list.
April 24, 2008
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
My favortie topic only mine has the ski bucket included on my top 10 things to do before I die... Did the ski Austria thing a couple of years ago, now included in my top ten are:
# 1. A holiday in Switzerland for a couple of weeks with good friends and the Mrs skiing our legs off, eating the local fare, and tasting the local brews.
# 2. Getting out of the rat race of work and moving to ski country, at least full time during season to get my 100+ days/season. Maybe doing the instructor thing again to help pay my beer bill from apres.
# 3. Do a trip, via RV, beginning in October through June of ski areas from NM to BC. Take the entire winter and be a SKI BUM the way the good lord intended. Maybe do a slant on the experience and write up the experience to share in print with the skiing nation. \:\)
# 4. Enjoy another "white christmas" sometime before I die.
# 5. Ski New Zealand, Argentina, and Hawaii (just for grins and giggles).
# 6. Oh, one more.... do Tuckermans on a sunny April morning, enjoying a picnic lunch on the rocks in the afternoon.

I am looking at the ways I can accomplish these and my other top 10. I guess I need to live by the motto "sieze the moment" and take opportunities when they present themselves. Every day that passes without doing what I want is one less day in my life to do it.
DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort
April 24, 2008
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
My ski bucket list would have one item: not having to make a ski bucket list. So far, I am failing miserably!
April 24, 2008
Member since 11/15/2004 🔗
143 posts
 Originally Posted By: kwillg6
.... and Hawaii (just for grins and giggles).
Make sure to use those lava fields to their fullest potential - and give your skis a nice hot wax treatment while you are skiing down.
April 24, 2008
Member since 12/19/2007 🔗
404 posts
First off...I would like to revisit all the places I have traveled on business before I was a skier...I won't list them all but suffice to say a lot of them are on the bucket lists in this thread. As an example, I have some lovely photos taken on Mont Blanc, in the middle of winter while it is snowing to beat the band. I had no idea anyone skied around there.

Having a place slope-side in a top notch ski location would definitely be on my list.

As for resorts to visit, I really want to go to Stowe, Aspen, Alta, Powder Mountain and Whistler.

I have a friend in Budapest and we have been trying for the last couple of years, without success, to do a trip to Austria.

Finally, maybe because the company I work for has a factory nearby, I have this urge to go to Bulgaria and ski Borovets.
April 27, 2008
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
1,326 posts
 Originally Posted By: queenoftheslopes
 Originally Posted By: kwillg6
.... and Hawaii (just for grins and giggles).
Make sure to use those lava fields to their fullest potential - and give your skis a nice hot wax treatment while you are skiing down.

And ride a holua sled
May 1, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
EDIT RANT WUTEVAR......Scott, whats with the pita scroll bars whenever i want to quote some profundities?????? i am a d!@k but Denis...SCW VA this is good stuff cant we squeeze it into the post without having to scroll........

 Originally Posted By: SCWVA
 Originally Posted By: Denis

...........You just have to be open to adventure and willing to pounce on it when the opportunity appears.


My Wife & I live by your moto.

Hmmmm....let me think about this one.

I'd like to take a ski trip to VT in the end of April, where I can wear shorts, T-shirts, & my Tevas. I'd like to ski all day in short sleeves under blue skies. For apres ski, I'd like to sit in the village drinking beer while wearing shorts and in my bare feet. For an added bonus, I'd throw in a fellow DCskier for company.

Oops, just did that. I guess I can check that one off the list.

Scott Missed this post first time thru, so true.... only thing that would've bin better was SUGARBUSH \:D .....i'm not carrying a very heavy bucket either stuff is coming out faster than i can put it in. Right now it's more about how than where for me; i hope southern hemisphere & europe are in my future. What i'd like to do in the meantime is learn to ski uphill.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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