Laurel Mountain Warning
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June 6, 2008
Member since 11/15/2005 🔗
374 posts
I know there probably are only a hand full of people on here who ride on top of Laurel Mountain, but....

I just wanted to warn anyone who does. I never thought this would happen up there, though I have run into one other person a year or two ago who was dealing with the same thing. Last night I was parked on Laurel Summit Road at the Warming Hut. Some kind person took a rock and threw it through my drivers side window. They then helped them selves to everything in my car.

I have noticed less people around up there, in general, I am guessing because of gas prices. But I was parked right on the main road and never, ever would have thought that what happened would have happened.

So, if you ride or hike up there, use caution.

Have a good weekend everyone.
June 7, 2008
Member since 12/3/2004 🔗
339 posts
That sucks! Tweakers are everywhere and looking for a quick buck. I always take my Jeep up there with the top off, but never keep anything of value in it while riding. I guess I'll start carrying my XM unit with me now too even though it's pointless to steal it.

Makes me nervous to take my restored 71 Bronco up there next year.

You're right, even as early as last Summer I noticed a serious decline in hikers and other bikers up there. It does seem like the equestrians are coming out of the woodwork this year though.
June 7, 2008
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Dang man. Sorry to hear about your stuff. It's pretty sad that people do crap like that. Hopefully they get what they have coming to them....

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