Snowshoe begins snowmaking
October 29, 2008
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I just received word that West Virginia's Snowshoe Mountain Resort plans to fire up the snowguns this morning (October 27, 2008), with snowmaking continuing through the week as temperatures drop into the teens at night. Snowshoe also received a light coating of natural snow overnight.
Interesting...drove through WVA on I-64 last night and the high passes didnt registar below 40 on my car temp gauge. But I was farther south and the highest pass is only 2700 Ft.
More power to them! start building that base!
Snowshoe near 4800 altitude. With a normal 4+ degree drop per 1000 feet of vertical, the Shoe would have been at freezing, or several degrees below at the same time you were driving. Factor in the more northern location, mountain top vs. valley, etc. and the Shoe could easily have been 15-20 degrees colder, especially later in the night as the cold air filtered into the region.
The Colonel
Photo ops..they do it every year! Now if i'm wromg & they try to take advantage of this snowy cold shot, it looks to me like they are going to have to weather a 10 day period of non snowmaking temps.(Give or take) That warm weather Tromano is having out west will try to filter east..
In the old days it was called Indian Summer. It followed "Squaw winter."
I posted this on the other thread, but we have about 4" at the base of Snowshoe right now. NWS says up to 10" on top of the mountain by dawn.
"That warm weather Tromano is having out west will try to filter east.."
Right you are Andy. We had a hard frost last night and tomorrow the warm-up begins, closing on 70 by Friday. The first warmth should get to y'all in about three days, expect nice weather by Sunday, so enjoy the snow while you can!
" enjoy the snow while you can!"
When was the last time we ever heard that in October?!
Canaan Valley has had only 15 octobers since 1945 that didn't produce a snowfall. CV had a trace last year on the 12th, 3 inches on the 25th of 06,...remember the nice snow pics of the Valley posted on DCski back on the 27th of 05? I just recently reposted them..that was a 9 inch snowfall....You asked!
I know, I still remember the 'snowi-cane' of 05. I loved it. Hardy Co got 6"