For the Mid-Atlantic, I'm now separating my quiver based on how much damage I'm willing to do to the bases and edges.
Skis on which I want to keep a good tune and base:
04 Atomic SX 9
I've skied them everywhere and had a blast, including trees, but from here on out, I think I'll keep these guys in good shape.
Steep and Cheap bargain basement specials that I don't care too much what happens to them, i.e. my rock skis (ideal for local trees and early/late season):
05 Elan M 666
07 K2 Public Enemy
Actually, I've only skied my rock skis this year. Since they are softer, the PE's will probably get less abuse in the T-Line and BK glades. Need to get them mounted this week for the upcoming BK gathering. So I guess my 666's are my rock skis, and the PE's are my Meathead rock skis.
Skis I'll only take on vacation:
05 Salomon Pocket Rockets (West)
09 Line Prophet 90 (Vermont)
Now it's time to try to add to my quiver of cars. Actually, my current ski quiver is prolly worth more than my car quiver.