Helmet Cam video from 7springs
February 18, 2009
lol nice. Good ending.
I do like the 'watching' segments. better the 'following' segments. and I'd like to see a little ore of you riding - your perspective. But a full video of that could make me sick.
Great fun for a first video.
That got better and better as it went along. Liked the parts where you followed people into the pipe. What kind of move did you do at the end? Give us more of you following good riders, you going over jumps, maybe follow someone over hits and/or into woods. The closer you are behind someone the better it looks. Also, get closer to the jumpers when you are shooting from the sidelines. Good stuff.
lol nice. Good ending.
I do like the 'watching' segments. even better are the 'following' segments... and I'd like to see a little more of you riding - your perspective. But a full video of that could make me sick.
Great fun for a first video.
Nice video.Horrible music.
Thanks for the comments.
I agree that the stuff where I was following people in the pipe turned out the best.
I will defiently get closer to the people on the jumps next time. The video actually looks really good at full quality, but when I resized it for the web, the distance shots took the biggest hit.
I don't really know if I like the actual riding footage in the half pipe. I only threw in one segment becasue it was making me sick. Maybe I can put on the video when I am going for some flips in the pipe, hopefully that will look cooler (and worth the sick feeling).
I am still waiting for another sunny day to break this thing out. We tried it on a cloudy day and nothing came out.
Oh yeah, the move at the end was just a regular indy grab that ended up very badly. It was my first time hitting the jump that day and I did not carry enough speed. I cased the landing, fliped over and slid down on my back.
I thought the footage was pretty funny so I put it at the end of the video. Its always good to end with a laugh, even if it was at my expense...