That punched out edge does not look good...
Where did you do that damage? The sketchiest thing you skied was the top of Stembogan Bowl? Middle section of Edgeset? Part of the education process, young David... And you thought only Jimmy and Andy were Obiwans.
I farted in the general direction of the BK rock demons this past weekend; I had my skis tuned (with an older core shot re-welded) *before* skiing Blue Knob.

Telerod and I 'splored some outlaw terrain on Monday; made it through the weekend with one barely visible punch to the core material and some pretty good scratches in the base. Worst incident I had was on Saturday or Sunday, when I uprooted a buried rock skiing from high to low on one of the catwalk trails that separates Upper Extrovert from Lower Extrovert. The rock hung up on the bottom of my skis and I nearly tripped over it. Telerod and I tempted fate on one of the Blue Glades on Monday; the snow was very nice at the top (but apparently some of my turn exposed dirt) and skied straight over a hidden rock at the exit. No worries, though.
PJ, no way the PR's ever see BK. If he was following me on my PR's, David would have gotten even more damage, since the snow plume from the upturned tails would have blinded him. Ask Roger Z.

The devil's own (666) skis are my current ski of choice in the Mid-Atlantic for pretty much every condition and surface coverage.
BWPA has it right. A ski like the Public Enemy (Steep and Cheap special) is a great rock ski for the Mid Atlantic. Wide enough to float over a lot of hidden treasures, and not too stiff (to decrease the leverage and minimize further damage.)