There is no more biking in the Dolly Sods wilderness area (North or South) as of two days ago. It's signed off.
It's super sad, but there are plenty of trails remaining though.
Roger Lilly (Davis - Blackwater Bikes) and crew has generously helped with sorting out trails. The first news:
TOP 20 Trail rides have been selected and are now in production. Roger will have them available at the bike shop within 2 weeks.
Spring cleaning takes place in about 10 days at Timberline. Getting the downhill trails ready will take time but we will keep you updated.
That's a good question. 3 days ago, I would have said that we had a drought going. Today, we are much happier in that respect as we badly needed the rain. We'll keep the weather in mind when recommending trails, so that you are not mud-biking too much.
Before we get started, and when ever possible: Please try to avoid super wet and fragile trails. Stay high and dry.
I want to bike and ski in the same day... this should be possible all NEXT WEEK.
Anyone wants to join for some easy biking and skiing Mon, Tue, or Wed of next week?
Stay tuned at
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