I gotta admit, I step away for a few days and to come back and read this thread, it's hilarious.
However in all seriousness, the issue with the dam is definitely ongoing. Due to a federal lawsuit that has been filed and under way I can't comment on details relating to the specifics.
However I can say WV State Conservationist has withdrew the Record of Decision to build the dam. Prior to this though, the local level Soil Conservation Board (local elected officials from 5 counties) filed for a 401 Army Corp of Engineer's permit requesting permission to undertake a large earth moving project. At this time it's not known if this 401 permit has been withdrawn as well.
While this is absolutely great news, everyone remains well aware that several individuals on the local level refuse to give this fight up. The attorney representing the Soil Conservation board, as well as son-in-law of board member Don Biller (Howard Krauskophf), are still pushing this dam. Mainly because Mr. Biller will have land surrounding/adjacent to the proposed dam and resulting lake. Mr. Krauskophf also has a residence less than 2 miles away that would over look the resulting lake.
It's completely appearant to anyone who looks at this now that these above local individuals are pushing this project for more than public good/need.
I know Scott kind of frowns on this so I won't make it flagrant or obvious. But if anyone is kind enough to 'lend assistance' to our cause, you are more than welcomed to do so through the SaveLostRiver website. Attorneys aren't cheap.
When I was at Snowy Luau I bought a Moorefield newspaper and there was a front page article about a court ruling that negated the commission that wanted to build another dam on the obviously not "Lost River". How does this impact your family dam problem?
The Colonel