Junkboarding - The Season is almost here
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
September 16, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
This is from my friend Justin, a HS English teacher and poet in rural VT.


Mine is waxed and ready for the first Oct. dusting in WV. smile

September 17, 2009
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
1,326 posts

Blast you. I haven't even found a proper board to saw in half yet.
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
September 18, 2009
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
941 posts
Blast you people that live in the land of occasional natural
snow! I've skied alpine on 1/4" so this would be the shnizzle.

Lemme ask a lame question: do you ever see anyone on fixed bindings or only on tele-style ? I might have some extra bindings around here....
September 18, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
You pay the absolute minimum for an old snowboard at a ski swap. Extra points for a dumpster dive. The whole idea is expendability. Use, then throw away. I suppose you could mount alpine, but it would start to become a project. 3-pin bindings or old flimsy cable bindings like the Black Diamond Rivas are dirt cheap and mounting is a cinch. Just drill 3 clear holes, tap in some T-nuts and you're ready to go. BTW, my junkboards make parallel turns much better than tele turns.
September 18, 2009
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
1,326 posts

I have several Rivas and Rotte 412s around, that's not a problem really.
September 18, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Do you ski these with the factory edge on the inside or the outside?
September 18, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
So far I've skied them with the steel edges on the inside. It would be easy to switch them (about 60 seconds with an electric screwdriver) since I used stainless T-nuts and screws. 90% of j boarders ride with inside edges. A few use outside edges on the theory that the outside edge is dominant in the tele turn whereas the inside edge is dominant in the parallel turn. Perhaps that's why mine parallel so much better than they tele. I will give that a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I like the old Rivas because they are 'releasable', always a good feature in the backcountry.
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
September 18, 2009
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
941 posts
hey comprex, do you want to get rid of a pair of those old rivas?

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