Post article on A-Basin
December 3, 2009
The article mentions the need to brave the drive over Loveland Pass to avoid the long drive around from west of the Eisenhower Tunnel. These are not the only choices. The third and best stormy day choice is to ski at Loveland which does not require driving over the pass or thru the tunnel. It is possible to ski Loveland from the lower lifts and stay pretty much in the trees in case of whiteout conditions up above. Denver area skiers as well as visitors consistently bypass these 2 great resorts to go to the more famous places beyond. If you have done that, you owe it to yourself to change the plan sometime and ski A Basin and Loveland.
Like the article thought it captured the new expandsion of the MT with still keeping the ski in shorts feel of the place. I am trying to get there late winter this year!