If you could play wealthy Timberline owner for a moment, what improvements would you make?
Feed the chipmunk that powers the lift so I'd get up the mountain 5 minutes faster. Don't really need a high speed or a 6 pack. If you had one, the trails would get too crowded.
Force anyone who causes a lift stoppage to spend all night winter camping in the Dolly Sods.
Regrow the trees between Silver Streak and White Lightning and call it an upgrade.
Never groom a black or double B on a powdah day. Evah.
Hire Jimmy and Tucker to be the meet and greet Walmart-style hey y'alls.
Let Tucker build a terrain park in the Sods.
Let Jimmy be Jimmy.
Install faster beer service at Timbers. Every third beer is free.
More single women. Better yet, more single women with low standards.
Ski boarders and snow plowers are not allowed into the trees. Especially the double blacks.
Cut off all roads into West Virginia, only allowing those who are willing to rough it a bit to enter.
This annual thread always cracks me up pretty good. Folks always want to turn T-Line into an Intrawest resort, but "still maintain it's character." Ya can't have it both ways. Unfortunately, Doc seems to continually make dumb financial/operations decisions, which piss off both the hard-core crowd and the touristas. So lots of times, you have it neither way. Thank God for snow years like this one.
I've never understood the whole lodge and parking lot have to go crowd. That includes you, K-Will. Personally, I'll take the current state if it means prices stay low and place remains relatively uncrowded. Ya can't have it both ways.
I also don't understand the need for better signage/identification of trails. This is the Mid Atlantic for God's sake. Not exactly a Whistler Blackcomb number of trails. Do people now need a GPS device to back out of their own driveways? Apparently so. An iPhone-hosted Google Maps/GPS app so the DC crowd could still talk on their cell phone and be alerted to an upcoming trail.
Snowmaking? Some more fixed guns would help. T-Line snowmaking is like a long boarder; slow to get gowing, but once it does, look out. That said, T-Line definitely should have opened to the top one weekend sooner than they did. No excuses on that.
Safety? I feel a lot safer at T-Line than I do at Whitetail.
For family friendliness, I'll admit I'm way old school. The places I learned to ski at had less amenities than T-Line, if you can believe it. I'm still skiing today; didn't get bored with it. Sometimes I think the problem is us and our current expectations. T-Line is a natural playground and the type of place you feel relatively safe letting kids go off on their own. What more do we need? Disney World, X-Box and Chuckie Cheese?