Anybody braving the Rain this weekend?
January 20, 2010
Heading to T-Line Sunday. Anybody gonna be there?
Taking my 12 yr old nephew for his 1st ski trip. Any volunteers for 30 mins or so of advice on how to teach a (very athletic) 12 yr old how to ski would be greatly just worried he is gonna fall so many times that he is gonna get frustrated with it and want to quit...
RAIN RAIN stay away
Sign him up for a group lesson. ($30) If he's as athletic as you indicate, he should be able to navagate most greens afterwards. I do ski school there and we turn out a good product I don't mind saying. If it is raining a group level 1 could become a level 1 private.
There's a group going...and alot of kids signed up for lessons...Dont know if they are all gonna show though.
Wondering if the rain in the forecast is actually gonna stick and if so, i wonder what time its gonna start sunday...
It never rains in Canaan.
Enjoy your trip, regardless of the weather!
1st ski trip: go all out!