TR: WTG 2-2-10
February 3, 2010
With no school for the second day in a row and my Tahoe plans fizzed by the snow. I took my oldest son to Wintergreen yesterday. The conditions were excellent the snow fast and the lines short!
A good time was had by all.
We made the drive from Wburg in a short 2 hours. The roads were clear all the way. We were up on the hill before 0900 thus able to park in the upper lot with no issues. I took advantage of the military discount on lifts and got 4 hour lifts for both of us for $52. A deal. In short order we were on the slopes.
The snow coverage was excellent given all the snow we have had. WTG was 100% open. A quick run down Dobie to warm up followed by a few laps off the Big Acorn chair and we were ready for the highlands. We spend the next 2 hours off this lift having a blast! No lines skiing to the lift almost every time. The snow was excellent! The weather was fine. The predicted freezing rain was falling as snow for most the morning.
My son is a wander at heart. He likes to ski every trail available. So much so he takes a highlighter to the trail map to insure he has hit every trail. He keeps the trail maps.
So we headed back across the resort to insure we caught every trail.
My advice to anyone venturing to WTG. Go early the crowds built during the day. We left at 1. There were bus loads coming up the hill when we left and the crowds at the village were building.
No Tahoe, but any day on snow is better than not sking!