What do you want in summer coverage?
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DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort
Scott - DCSki Editor
March 27, 2000
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,282 posts
Hi gang!

I'm looking for suggestions on what types of coverage you would like to see on DCSki during the summer. DCSki will continue to cover any happenings at local ski resorts throughout the summer, including activities such as mountain biking. But coverage isn't limited to resort happenings - any outdoor activity is fair game, and emphasis will be on a regional focus.


- Scott

Jim - DCSki Supporter 
March 28, 2000
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
319 posts
Hi Scott,

How about covering a variety of outdoor activies in this region like kayaking, white water rafting, canoeing, fishing, biking, rock climbing, etc.? You could perhaps post locations and names of shops where stuff can be rented. Articles can focus on first time kayakers or boaters or whatever else is related to these activities. These are just some of the activities my ski buddies and I engage in during the "off" season and I know there is a wealth of info out there. For example, a couple of my buddies love to kayak and know all the little out of the way places to not only kayak, but where to buy supplies at reasonable prices. Just some thoughts.


JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 28, 2000
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,019 posts
I like regional hiking and tent camping. I've done a bit over the last 4 decades from the Blue Ridge (esp Shen Nat'l Park) down to the Smokies and would enjoy coverage of that sort. I also like recreational biking and am interested in stories on various regional bike trails such as the Towpath, etc. There is a detailed article on bike trails in the state of Md in the current Federal Employees Recreation magazine.
March 29, 2000
Member since 10/18/1999 🔗
1,535 posts
Jim, where do you get the Federal Employees Recreation Magazine? Is it online?

Scott -- I agree with some of the previous comments on information reference the region's outdoor activities. There could be reviews on the different hiking trails, how to access them and the lodging opportunities, etc. Same as both road and fat tire bicycling. You could even put something in for (gagging) Golf as many of the area's attractions include that activity. I am looking to bike the Greenbriar trail from beginning to end some weekend, so if you want a review, let me know.


JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 30, 2000
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,019 posts
The federal newspaper/newsletter I'm referring to with the article on Maryland's bike trails is called the Recreation News. Their website is www.recreationnews.com
The current March 2000 issue has a front page story on pedaling across the Free State with about 2 pages of info on various Md rail-trails. I haven't checked the website, it might be on there? You might look quickly if you want a copy because I'm sure it will soon be replaced with their April issue. If you look for a hardcopy the Recreation News is about a 20 page newspaper-like pub and is usually widely distributed in many federal govt office buildings (e.g. the Pentagon), often near entrances and in employee welfare & recreation offices.
April 10, 2000
Member since 12/29/1999 🔗
77 posts
Hey chief, you need to cover the great sport of All Terrain Boarding! There are a few resorts in the area during the summer that support Mountainboarding/All terrain Boarding.

I think it would be a great addition to your site.

If you're looking for more info checkout:



The second one is my personal ATB site.

Please turn on the HTML and UBB code so i can post pictures here.


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