So I finally get to post a trip report in the XC skiing thread.
This past Saturday the wife, some friends, and I went out for a little cross country skiing, Pocahontas County style. We rented gear from
Elk River Touring Center in Slatyfork. Hoping to do our skiing there, we were kind of bummed to find out that they've had too much snow (serious??) to get some their snowmobile out to pack their trails. So we ended up traveling another 5 miles north on 219 to Slatyfork farms, where there were plenty of tracks to ski in for us.
Early on the snow was fairly hard (on the trail) and off the trails it was deep with a 1/4" layer of hard crust. Needless to say we stuck to the tracks. All in all we all had a great time (everyone's first). Although it was a lot of work, I'm definitely anxious to try it again. Especially at a place with groomed trails.
Here are a few shots from the day.
The wife and I
Dropping a knee