Guys and Gals,
I just wanted to pop in from a busy season of building and riding. I have finally made some prototype skis for my first season as a new manufacturer of twin tip skis. I am based out of Frederick, MD and I hope that in the next few years I will have some really cool skis to show you guys and hopefully sell to you all. I have a website which is basically holding my spot on the web. , This season I have been busy with a newborn daughter, and as she is my first, I have been very busy learning. I also hold down a day job as a construction superintendent so it has been hard to keep focused on ski production.
I took my first pair of prototype skis out for a test drive this past week and they really ripped. These skis are called ,"The Czar of Gnar". They measure 118 tip, 104 mid, 114 tail. 173's. 100% Bamboo wood core with ABS sidewalls. 12mm thick core underfoot, with a taper to 2 mm with ABS tips and tails spacers. Custom graphics sublimation printed into custom topsheets. As you may be able to tell my topsheets slipped a bit in the press and went off center. I had a hard time keeping my core center lined up as well when pressure was put to the mold. These are all things that I know I can work out very easily on my next set.These were heat cured at 140 degrees for 30 mins. and then at 190 for 40 mins. Band saw cut and ground clean, then hit with the router at a 25 degree side bevel to finish the clean look of the sidewalls. I am pretty stoked that I can share with you my first ski out of the press and I look forward to showing you guys some more skis in the future. This summer I will try a reverse camber design and perhaps a mogul ski. Here is a link to the photos I have uploaded as well as the picture of the finished product I am trying to attach here in the post.
Thanks for your time DCSki!
For More Pictures of Mantis Ski Production!