Blast from the past, ten and a half years ago. Repopulating photos from Feb 2010, snowiest month of mid-Atlantic skiing in my life. I've skied every winter around here since 1967.
Blue Knob, PA 8 Feb 2010:
28" of new snow on 6Feb2010. This is Laurel Hill Crazie killing it in one of the glades off Jack Rabbit trail on the upper mountain.
Marcus, friend of LHC, on bumpy black diamond High Hopes trail, 5 months after total knee replacement. Awesome!!!
My son Vince, somewhere on Stembogan trail
Deer Run, normally a groomer, turned into bumper's paradise.
Lick your chops on this.
Never seen Extrovert with this much snow. The bumps were huge and soft.
Glade skiing is alive and well in the mid-Atlantic. LHC in Ditch Glades. No pungie sticks this day!
We skied D-trail, above. Probably steepest little thing all day, but this shot makes it look flat.
Better shot of great snow in Stembogan Bowl.
Last one, the kind of conditions that put a smile on your face.
Above were my photos. Below are Laurel Hill Crazies from same time frame.
jamesj ^ & son v
Kicking in the Ditch....can't keep up with these guys.
Jim below Stem Bowl
Blue Knob, PA - 14 Feb 2010:
Phil's Philly crew plus telerod15 at Blue Knob 2/14
Phil does East Wall, a rarely open glade
Philly crew attacks Lower Shortway, rarely open, narrow gnar
SKI-3PO's extremely cute family at BK, they can rip too.
Cool, cloudy, but wonderful surface conditions of loose and packed powder at Blue Knob today. Skied stuff I have never skied before there. Very fun. Nice to meet everyone. The entire mountain is up for grabs.
Above were from my camera, below from Telerod15's camera, same day:
Jim and Phil searching for the elusive face shot
Noofus and Mel
Mel and Lovebug
Great day. Lots of snow. It was fun skiing with you all. Hope I got your names right. :)
Some more from Feb 2010:
Feb 19-21, 2010 - Blue Knob, PA:
Laurel Hill Crazie
telerod15, LHC and son, Ski3po and son
crgildart and telerod retro night
Laurel Hill Crazie
group shot
From Telerod15:
Great shots from some rare Mid-A powder days. That was a special winter with a really special group of friends.
Great pics, thanks. Blue Knob was my place for decades. I loved the BK years and would rarely settle for anyplace else in the mid Atlantic. Quirky, hard to get to, but great terrain. So sad to see its decline.
Great pictures! Digging the caution tape also
We found Blue Knob after researching and really liked the potential , skied there a few times in the early 2000's never had the pleasure of so much snow and the fun trails open, thanks for solving that vision!
These photos are impressive -- blue sky in Central Pennsylvania during winter. Incredible!
The skiing looks pretty good too.