I would like to go to the Braemar Telemark Festival,
http://www.telemarkfriends.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=28 Like Scots and Scotland (and I must admit myself) it is a bit perverse. They delight in skiing rocky terrain with bad snow and screaming winds. There is a parade in the festival where participants march down the street in kilts with their skis on their shoulders singing Scotland the Brave. They are 'well lubricated' at this point in the festival.
Most Brits are disdainful of Scottish skiing and snobs about going to the alps. I have met a great many with this opinion and very few who have actually skied there. The mountains of the British Isles and Ireland were glacially carved in the last 20,000 years and they have the characteristic cirques seen in the Presidential range of NH, U shaped ravines with steep headwalls and couloirs like the one shown in Jim K's link. The rugged terrain is one reason Scotland is one of the cradles of modern mountaineering, along with the Canadian rockies around Banff and the alps.