Sorry, hate to be a downer, but I give these extended temperature forecasts as much credibility as spinning a chuck-a-luck wheel to predict the weather.
"Fish needs to step it up. I haven't had a good weather report in weeks!!!"..David Quote..
You were the one that predicted another winter to rival 76/77 David..Remember?..NO JAN THAW!! cold you could walk across the Chesapeake.
Joe Bastardi Of Accuweather accurately predicted this cold Dec back in june which has been record breaking From Canaan all the way thru my camp down here in wilmington,nc to south beach Miami....COLDEST DEC OF ALL TIMES!!....But he also predicted that the rest of Winter would mellow out & be Blazay(my word) to speak.
Well...Hockey dave is not a believer but I will guarantee after the briefest of Jan Thaws..(1 day which would be on the 1st with Rain)..that we continue on with ave to below ave temps way into Jan...stay tuned!!