new improvements....t-line terrain parks
January 11, 2011
...small step for man, large step for timberline kind...I dont' know if anyone noticed that t-lines terrain park shapes have a different look and are being a little bit more well kept this year, but there is a fella building them that actually rides them as the past the folks building the features didn't ride or ski but where the normal daily groomers who just took direction from a park designer who would ride along but not be permitted to drive the machinery(not a real good way to do things, especially when it comes to daily shape maintenance)...this year t-line is lucky enough to have a park shaper who rides the features and just moved back from out west, where he built some of the best parks in the country for huge resorts full time for almost a decade...t-line's mountain operations has been smart enough to put him in a machine and let him go at it- doing the initial build and shaping as well as giving him time to do periodic tune ups(which is a great improvement from the past)...I am eager for the lower dew drop park to be shaped,,,and I have even heard rumors that for the first time the terrain park staff may have the means to change shapes and features throughout the season to keep things interesting for return visitors...check out the daily pic of the little park on the visit canaan site...daily pic on Jan 4
...a wall ride is probably moving in tomorrow A.M...
I did notice him - and all I can say is: smooth!
(on his board, and aboard his groomer).
amazing they trust Sarfino to operate a pisten bully!
(awaiting redman comment) still it looks great there though! i also hear ben and marty of patrol fame have convinced the groomers to groom in the evenings so the mornings will be more powder friendly when there is overnight snow.
Lots of work that terrain park... at least it yields good photo ops. Check out yesterday's action shots on (look for the weather, then APD Construction... and you'll easily find EVENT PHOTOS)
30 packs of Nattie Light for $12.99 at the Camden Corner Market. Let the "King of Swag Beer" live on! There, you got my words of wisdom for the day, hehehe! (:^O)>>
Redman: I guess you didn't like the action!?
No Vic, I checked those out Sunday morning in Davis waiting for a few more degrees on the t-mometer. Nice! Just would like to see the big park set up on lower Dew for real air. I'm not much of a rail park rat but video does make the rail and box rides look a whole lot better. I like to watch people get worked but I also like watching an entire trick from launch to land. That's just me and I had to plug my shop just outside the Valley. Oh and by the way they have gas too.
Wow... wait a minute!
Where's your shop?
How did I miss it?
What the heck??? Did you say gas?!
No, not MY is my "Stop in Shop" for cheap beer on the way up. They make subs and sandwiches too. And yes, they have gas. So anyone in the Valley doesn't have to drive to Thomas for gas, they just drop south out of the Valley 5 miles and you're there.
They don't have SUPER - no high octane, right?
You got me high octane...but then, who drives a 4WD lamborghini to Canaan? (:^O)>>>
There used to be ONE of these in Hawaii, and I wanted one. I am making sure everything is "lined-up" (including the fuel) before making the purchase.
amazing they trust Sarfino to operate a pisten bully!
LOL that's funny.