You misled us more than you thought. The link doesn't work... There is a Remote Linking Disabled notice when you click on the link.
The link was good for awhile but somehow it got disabled. It doesn't matter anyway because the next model run doesn't show the storm like that anymore (but it could pop back up..they do that)..I just was posting the Map to show "A hype' type of scenerio.
The low was coming up the Chesapeake on the 21st of Jan, dragging in copius amounts of moisture & relatively warmer air off the atlantic giving rain to the City but Dumpage to the Mtn's which is what I used to see happen alot back in the day...(Snow starved in DC
Lows have to really hug in close to the eastern side of the mtns to give the Alpps the Big one otherwise all the energy is sucked out of the Alpps & transferred to the low ramping up along the coast but like I posted before..we don't need the big one...Cuzzz we get a whole lot of little ones that add up!
Now I know this is boring for you vets but I'm just filling in the Newbies/lurkers..carry on & stay tuned!..
unconfirmed snow report....Friend in Davis claims a foot so far..