almost perfect....
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January 10, 2011
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Met up with some good friends and locals at t-line this weekend for what some would consider damn near perfect conditions all over the mountain. One thing for sure if you wanna ski trees, hook up with JohnL sometime. I won't say where we skied cuz that's a no-no, but following John and Jimmy and numerous runs in "search of" new stashes my legs were toast. 20" of fresh really helped. If they get the additional pow expected, MLK will be epic.
January 10, 2011
Member since 11/15/2005 🔗
374 posts
I'm sure conditions were similar for you WV guys (I'm a little further North)...the snow this weekend was the lightest snow I can remember in a long while. Unreal.
January 11, 2011
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,705 posts
Originally Posted By: kwillg6
Met up with some good friends and locals at t-line this weekend for what some would consider damn near perfect conditions all over the mountain. One thing for sure if you wanna ski trees, hook up with JohnL sometime. I won't say where we skied cuz that's a no-no, but following John and Jimmy and numerous runs in "search of" new stashes my legs were toast. 20" of fresh really helped. If they get the additional pow expected, MLK will be epic.

Ok, I really gotta hook up with you guys sometime...
January 11, 2011
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Originally Posted By: wgo
Ok, I really gotta hook up with you guys sometime...

That'd be good. Make sure it's a powder day. Even the sleepy heads get up for that.
January 11, 2011
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
I'm suprised we haven't yet wgo, this would be a good year. kwill he did find some tight trees for us ya? While the famous stuff wasn't quite ready the line i think you're not talking about was pretty hairball for me, i've got a couple of bruises to prove it. There's plenty of hounds at TL, JohnL's idea of a line though...... best let him go first, stay off your tails, be prepared to turn or lay it down at any time, keep your arms, legs and skis close and on the same side of the tree and don't forget to smile.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
January 11, 2011
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts
At times I'm still amazed that it's possible to ski through some of that scrub in the trees without tripping up.

Tucker is the king of the tight lines. On his snowboard he just gets real, real low and slides under the low hanging branches; can't do that on skis without sacrificing control. Plus its easier for a snowboarder to skim over fallen logs.

I think a good snowboarder does better in most T-Line trees than a good skier. However, crappy snowboarders can destroy a tree shot. By Sunday PM, some of the lines we skied were trashed by some boarders who skidded sideways across a large portion of the tight slots. Scrapped all the snow off, leaving tell-tale newb snowboarder tracks. mad

More boarders need to take lessons from Tucker.
January 11, 2011
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,705 posts
Originally Posted By: kwillg6

That'd be good. Make sure it's a powder day. Even the sleepy heads get up for that.

Yeah, gimme a shout sometime...weekends are typically not great for me in terms of getting out there, and some of my ski time this year is dedicated for skiing at Wintergreen with my 5 year old, but I'm sure I can find a weekend sometime this year to get out there. Won't be MLK weekend tho - have a GREAT time!
January 11, 2011
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
Should be perfect come Thursday am......... Winter Storm Warning
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
January 11, 2011
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts
Wind and wind chills could be brutal Wednesday and Thursday.
January 11, 2011
Member since 11/13/2008 🔗
337 posts
The winds have started on Canaan Heights (but hey: so has the snow, and we've already gathered 2 inches)

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