Seneca Rocks Parking
January 12, 2011
Anyone know a location bw Petersburg and Seneca Rocks where one could leave a car for 2-3 days free or for a minimal fee and not get ticketed or towed. Going up early to T-Line and my wife needs me to come down the mountain and get her if the roads aren't very good since her car is terrible in the snow.
There is that Motel just south of Seneca that is closed down that could be an option but I'm thinking that there could be a # of places down there..the folks seem friendly enough..
Check with the Forest Service, perhaps they allow overnight parking (unoccupied) at the Visitors Center, it is a trailhead of sorts.
There is a school on 55 up the road before you get to the gas plant.
Otherwise, Fish is right, you'll need to check with a motel or other local establishment to be sure.
Petersburg is another option they have an airport, and a lot of commercial stuff.