What Were Your Favorite Days on the Slopes?
March 28, 2011
Best local day for me was probably in early January skiing with SCWVA at CV on a mid-week powder day. Just about all the tracks we came across were made by us.
Had several notable days in the trees at Timberline in January. (Almost too many to keep straight.)
Had a blast bashing some soft Spring bumps on Extrovert at the Blue Knob Gathering and on The Drop at Snowy Luau.
Played on some great early season whales on Off The Wall.
My favorite days on the slopes were the days I was on the slopes. There's never a bad one.
That said my absolute favorites were Copper Mountain with buckets of fresh coming down and everyone from Denver stuck back at the tunnel. Acres of tree runs, each of them a little different but all magic. After that it was probably the last day in CO at Loveland. 1' of fresh, hadn't been touched in a week just riding huge powder lines all over the mountain.
Locally my favorite day was the one where I figured out I could gap the big rainbow rail at Whitetail. Last favorite was where I gapped it all the way out to the flat and ate my knees for lunch.
December, free skiing at timberline, skied Thunderstruck and Almost Heaven with warren, brent and megan. It was before they made snow on them, we were there to make sure that the closed sign at the top was appropriate. The snow was just deep enough, light backcountry powder in the middle of the resort.
Like Kennedy said, there's never a bad one, but that is one that will stand out from this season. I'm sure a few more will pop into my mind. But my season isn't over yet and I'm positive a couple more are yet to come.
I had the distinct pleasure of skiing Alta and Mad River Glen in the same season. Unfortunately only one day each, but I was also skiing other nearby areas during those visits. Although I visited these classic areas two months apart, the weather and conditions were fairly similar: mostly packed powder, some loose snow, no ice, sunny, calm, high temps in 20s. It was my first day ever at Alta and second day at MRG (first time with good visibility). I had a great experience at both places and as a result I guess I would move these two into my top five all-time favorite ski areas, if not higher. Great terrain and vibe.
Locally, my days were very fun because I skied with friends and/or family just about every time out including a big DCSki posse at Blue Knob and Timberline.
March 1st at Taos. Hiked the ridge for the first time. It was a lot more intimidating from the top, between the steepness and the drop off the cornice.
CV mid January when at lunch we where still going down trails that only had tracks from the patrollers that morning.