Don't shoot the messenger+Insane arc Rippers I get
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November 13, 2011
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
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look man i'm just showing you the real deal from the Park Record in Park City UT - a credible source of info regarding skiing and I mean they get a read on things out there...

i'm sure this will spark lots of heated debate ~ Sonwbording has stopped growing

hey btw buying a pair of these - can't get 'em in the USA anymore mine are coming from Lithuania Check out the P02's - layout city:

Palmer Project

damn put-your-elbow-down xoxo trench-layin' train-tracks boutique-ski.


November 13, 2011
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Hey it's a lot easier with a snowboard on each foot!
November 14, 2011
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
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November 14, 2011
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
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Denis & RodSmith - u d1cks lol c u out there whenever it gets a little colder. ;-)
November 15, 2011
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
This video has been around for a while but I saw it again recently and it still makes me laugh.

Your carvers look cool too.
November 15, 2011
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
You mean just like a snowboard?
November 15, 2011
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
Originally Posted By: scottyb
You mean just like a snowboard?

oooo kkk for once u guys got me totally - truth. in Warren Miller's Steeper and Deeper about 3/4 of the way thru there are these two euro-carving snowboarders that lay out so much it is awesome; i always said i want to be that.

i used to follow snowboarders on carving boards all the time in ut - and i annoy most skiers b/c i ski like a rider. my tigershark 12s allow me to link several full inclination turns where i can put my hand (or in deer valley my whole forearm) down but i know there is more. by getting a ski that does not require so much muscling but allows a deeper, more progressive turn i can face and lean into the hill more and lay out more. of course facing into the hill and using full body inclination breaks all the skiing rules but it works for me. using the hips to either rotate you to face down into the snow or the reverse seems to act a a pressure-regulator for the inside ski; the more you face into the hill the more inside pressure and visa-versa.

funny that now as i research it i see that the above is what euro-carvers do to maintain the carving like here (i almost bought these - another boutique ski made in sweden:

when i saw that Palmer made a boutique ski designed by Hansjürg Kessler i had to have them. they arrived in nyc on the 10th and i expect them soon. i believe i will use tyrollia bindings with a plate.

epicski has a good thread re: them here
Palmer P02 review

glad josh isn;t here to bitch me out
November 15, 2011
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts

November 16, 2011
Member since 11/9/2004 🔗
262 posts
Originally Posted By: Crush
Originally Posted By: scottyb
You mean just like a snowboard?

oooo kkk for once u guys got me totally - truth. in Warren Miller's Steeper and Deeper about 3/4 of the way thru there are these two euro-carving snowboarders that lay out so much it is awesome; i always said i want to be that.

There was a good bit of dicussion over on (Center of the Alpine Snowboarding Universe) about these skis last season when Sierra Trading Post had them on clearance. Here's one of the links, there is more if you search. Palmer P02 Link

They look like a really fun ski. Enjoy!
November 16, 2011
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
Originally Posted By: Crush

when i saw that Palmer made a boutique ski designed by Hansjürg Kessler i had to have them. they arrived in nyc on the 10th and i expect them soon. i believe i will use tyrollia bindings with a plate.

Why Try-oh-lia? Are you going to use one of the Dragon plates with the 30mm lift?
November 16, 2011
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
Originally Posted By: scottyb

November 16, 2011
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
Originally Posted By: Crush

glad josh isn;t here to bitch me out

Heh. I sent him an FR on FB the other day. Never could wrap my head around that thing with the two a'youse.
November 17, 2011
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
Originally Posted By: scottyb

Ahhh..The Wailer. What size? Is it the carbonfiber model?

BTW - What kind of foot clamps are you mounting on them?
November 17, 2011
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
Originally Posted By: scottyb

yeah mon DPS another boutique skit. Not on my trajectory as I like a ski with metal in it unless it is a bump ski but outstanding.

I love the fact that folks are in to boutique gear really think about it - it is so different now then say 10 years ago.
November 18, 2011
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
Originally Posted By: Crush

I love the fact that folks are in to boutique gear really think about it - it is so different now then say 10 years ago.

I can prove that I was into boutique gear 10 years ago. I still own said boutique gear.

But I hear what you're saying: people are going after what they want with awareness of what the pros and cons are, instead of being herded into one-size-fits-all brands.

Those look like Dynafits to these eyes.
November 18, 2011
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
Seems to me that the small independent ski manufacturers, boutique if you will, are where the cutting edge of ski development lies today. It takes a couple of years for the best ideas to work their way into the major manufacturer's lines.
November 18, 2011
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
Originally Posted By: djop

Those look like Dynafits to these eyes.

Plum Guides they be, what Dynafit should have been. Now that the patent on the tech binders has been allowed to elapse there are several makers putting out top quality clamps.

The red plates are Sollyfits from and will also accept most Salomon binders.
November 18, 2011
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
Originally Posted By: SCWVA

Ahhh..The Wailer. What size? Is it the carbonfiber model?

BTW - What kind of foot clamps are you mounting on them?

190, hybird, it still has carbon stringers top and bottom but costs $400 less. I have Plum Guides on them in the picture but can also mount up Salomon binders to the plates as well. cool
November 18, 2011
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
Originally Posted By: Denis
Seems to me that the small independent ski manufacturers, boutique if you will, are where the cutting edge of ski development lies today. It takes a couple of years for the best ideas to work their way into the major manufacturer's lines.

actually - and this is just my thinking - it's more like the availability of high-end CAD/CAM and manufacturers that are willing to take a standardized design plan and make it.

It is all advances in small-batch manufacturing. And thank god for it. Now we can get input from minds outside of the box - and that is exactly what is needed!
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