5 Reasons why snowboarding is better.
January 7, 2012
5) Getting past the first couple of days (which are admittedly painful) can give you a sort of badge of honor to wear
4) No poles, smoother clothes
3) Only 1 snowboard to carry around instead of 2 skis
2) It's easier to jump off things and do fun tricks on a snowboard.
1) It's just cooler, everyone knows this.
Most comfortable clothing: Telemarking
Most versatile poles: telemark
10 years later, still learning: tele
Best Rhythm down a mountain: Telemark
Questioning yourself: Get on tele
...can't you "tele" I'm awesome...
If God had meant for people to snowboard we'd only have one leg. I just love it when boarders struggle to balance on one foot off the lift then plop down right in the unload zone to secure their free foot.
Thanks for not laughing when I struggled on the steep Blue Knob off ramps, Rob.
Why would God want us to snowboard with one leg? You've seen how hard that is. I've seen many one legged skiers, never a one legged snowboarder. Maybe if God intended us to ski, he would have given us only one leg. That makes more sense than what you wrote.
5 reasons why snowboarding-or-skiing is better than most things:
1. Everyone on the mountain is happy
2. both are fun
3. boarders can hang with skiers and skiers can hang with boarders
4. Either sport you can where a dreadlock hat and not too many people laugh at you
5. Everyone on the mountain is happy
Hey, I'm just poking fun. I have no issues with boarders in general and you're absolutely right wgo.
Rod, I was just making some dumb point about two legs, two skis. Seems to be natural.
And since I'm into dumb observations,it's kind of like looking at Seven Springs new urban terrain park, there's even a caricature of an icon Pittsburgh building there (PPG PLace). So I wonder why you would want to bring a cityscape to the mountains.
I know on our flat hill that the park creates fun challenge and excitement. I just don't understand the need to dress up a mountain like a city?
I can appreciate the novelty but still feel sad that the natural environment is some how diminished but I guess that chairlifts have blighted mountains for several decades now.
Hey, I'm just poking fun. I have no issues with boarders in general and you're absolutely right wgo.
We know. I tried to wear my dreadlock hat while playing soccer and people didn't laugh!?!?!?!?
Well at least there isn't an actual city, God forbid, at the base of Seven Springs like at Aspen, Park City, or Telluride. I tell you though, that base lodge is no slouch...