Skiing from Indianapolis, wow that's a toughie, although there is skiing in IN.
Distances from Indianapolis according to mapquest:
Perfect North, IN: 1:30 hrs/90miles
Paoli Peaks, IN: 2hrs/100mi
Caberfae Peak, MI: 6:15 hrs/400miles
Boyne Highlands, MI: 7:30/475mi
Seven Springs, PA: 6:50/400mi
Mt. Bohemia, MI: 12/640mi
Timberline, WV: 7:50/430mi
Summit County, CO: 17:30hrs/1150mi
I'd get an Epic pass and drive to Summit County for weeklong Christmas and Spring break trips
Good idea from wgo to check Robbie Allen's stories:"Skiing from Indianapolis, wow that's a toughie", I'll bet a lot of folks say that about skiing out of Virginia too