Update on Massanutten's New Chairlift?
December 7, 2011
What are the details on Massanutten's new chairlift? At first glance, I'm not finding any information on the 'Nut's "What's New" page.
Ian, thanks for the details and photo links.
Glad to see the changes, not only the new #5 lift but also moving the loading area more out of the traffic and altering the midstation to open up access to runs on either side.
FYI, if the current weather forecast holds true, Massanutten plans on opening Tuesday, December 13th. Will update as we get closer. THINK COLD!
Any chance you'll open with night skiing available?
Ian, thanks so much for the update. Even if you all don't make it, it is very refreshing to have some idea of what you all are thinking.