Fish, I would definitely have to agree. The NAM has a tendency to way over blow precip/snow amounts in the 24-48 hours out range. The crazy totals it was depicting yesterday probably had about a 5% chance of verifying.
That said... forecast looks good for 7 springs, wisp, and hidden valley. Given they are a bit further north, it is much less likely they will see rain mixing in overnight tonight. My forecast for those areas is 3-6 inches of wet snow today and overnight tonight (already snowing at 7 springs).
Whitetail/Lib/Roundtop will do OK, generally 1-3 inches (maybe 2-4 for whitetail). VA areas will have a tough time with mixing, 1-3 sounds good for all VA areas.
For the valley, mixing will be more of an issue overnight.. as has been mentioned by others. 2-4 is my best guess but if it stays snow then 3-6+ is possible.
Snowshoe will have a hard time... mixing or changing to all rain for the heaviest parts of the storm despite its elevation.
Individual resort forecasts can be found at (updated this AM)