54 hours of rain in the forecast next week, 7S/HV
February 25, 2012
Well folks, looks like the end is upon us. Forecast shows 4 solid days of warm temps and 54! hours of continuous rain in western pa next week!
I can tell you that the difference that a few hours and mid 40's temperature did to HV from Sunday after the 12" to this sunday made, was NIGHT and day. Quite depressing looking and a huge change.
I can't imagine that the resorts will survive this warm weather and 54 total hours of rain.
Had this been snow...sigh. Only if it was 3k higher elevation!
I was going to get a condo for the first or second weekend of march to sign off the winter season that never was, alas looks like my money would be better served traveling out west or spending on a nicer summer *yuck* vacation.
1/2 full?....1/2 empty?
Just checked TWC & NOAA, only saw 4 hours of the next 72 with higher than 50% chance of precip. Local TV calling for wet snow in the evenings.
I'll tell you Friday, when hindsight accuracy is dead-on!
You are thinking way too negative. I think the WV resorts will make it to the planned closing dates in late March. Skiing at Snowshoe has been great, especially yesterday and today. Think positive, as Joe Stevens is prone to say, "not rain, just underdeveloped snow"!!!
Ski the mid-Atlantic, you never know what the weather will be, usually full of surprises.
The Colonel
You are thinking way too negative. I think the WV resorts will make it to the planned closing dates in late March. Skiing at Snowshoe has been great, especially yesterday and today. Think positive, as Joe Stevens is prone to say, "not rain, just underdeveloped snow"!!!
Ski the mid-Atlantic, you never know what the weather will be, usually full of surprises.
The Colonel
Thanks, Colonel. I needed that.
I think the WV resorts will make it to the planned closing dates in late March.
I'm not so certain that Timberline will make it to the scheduled March 31/April 1st closing. Things should be pretty nice though, for most of March.
The scheduled closing date is March 24/25th. Their web site is wrong.... go figure! and.... it's gonna be corn season soon.
...we will be able to hike for turns in april here in the valley...March will be good up here, it always is, even on meager years...
The scheduled closing date is March 24/25th. Their web site is wrong.... go figure!
Thanks for pointing that out. Should we tell Jimmy? Nah, he'll figger it out...
Looking forward to corn season. Good way to ease my body back into skiing.
Which will have better conditions on March 10th this year Timberline or Snowshoe? Will either be worth skiing after the next couple weeks of warm weather and rainy conditions? My parents in law might come up for a ski trip if it looks decent and we might book a condo for the weekend, however the long range forecast is depressing, and I am worried we might be down to a few Brown Run Of Deaths. (BRODs as opposed to WRODs)
The scheduled closing date is March 24/25th. Their web site is wrong.... go figure!
Thanks for pointing that out. Should we tell Jimmy? Nah, he'll figger it out...
Looking forward to corn season. Good way to ease my body back into skiing.
Well if he knew it would make a trip to Summit County easier to do
...we will be able to hike for turns in april here in the valley...March will be good up here, it always is, even on meager years...
after skiing the last 3 days at the slime, what I should of said...unless we get a major march, we will have to hike for turns in late march this year in the valley...the first 2 weeks of March may be good up here, it usually is, even on extremely meager years...