Closings for the 2011-12 Season Announced
March 16, 2012
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Liberty and Whitetail have announced their closings for the 2011-12 season:
* Whitetail: Sunday 3/4 at 5:00 p.m.
* Liberty: Sunday 3/4 at 6:07 p.m. (sunset)
The closing announcements are understandable, but I'm sorry to see them happen so early this time around. I skied both Liberty and WT this past week and salute them for making it possible to ski -- at all -- during such a poor winter season.
I am also sad this season has come to an end in our region. The managers and staff of the ski areas have done a remarkable job, but this was a rough year. Little natural snow, and horrible tornados in the mid west; floods last year up north. We have a lot to be thankful for in this region.
We went to Liberty Saturday for Wounded Warrior Weekend, and will write a longer piece today.
Next year will be better! Connie and Charles
THE SEASON HAS NOT COME TO AN END IN OUR REGION! Those kind of posts are ridiculous and that mentality is part of the reason a lot of folks stop visiting these small ski areas in March and consequently why some of these little hills like the ones that are closing today don't have a real motivation to stay open...
...t-line started blowing snow again today...don't think it's over yet lowlander skiers..still winter up here, 20 degrees this morning and snowin' a little natural...with the forecast for the week the conditions should be AWESOME midweek...word on the street up here is that Doc has extended the season closing date at t-line to April 1st...some resorts closing early, t-line extending their season...why give up now and wait for next year when there is still a month left...come support the resorts that are actually trying to keep the sport of skiing alive the entire month of March so they will keep it up for years to come..
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for that post, Tucker!
Yes the winter was a dud, and the geese and robins have started to return to the high country, but Timberline is still rockin it! And heck, with the sun setting later, folks from the dc area could ski for the day and get home before sundown!
Here is a tip for awesome skiing conditions there...look for sunny days with highs between 40-45F (ish) after a night of freezing temps. It's been like that most of winter actually and it's been most often sweet sweet corn!
End of the season? I'm still hoping to get at least 10 more days in this year.
Wisp is blowing snow today and I know they are planning on staying open to April 1, 2012.
.....Timberline is still rockin it! ....
You're right, I was pleasantly surprised how well Tline held up after all that rain on Wednesday. Its skiing great. If they continue to make snow, I'll have to give Doc some credit, because even thou they didn't officially get The Drop open, they seem to have done a good job of making snow on the ones that are open.
Snowhoe also making snow!!!!!
The Colonel
But they don't necessarily close because of weather/conditions, but rather...lack-of-business plays into it too. I've seen Snowshoe close early with total coverage...but NO people!
March, Southerners are cutting grass and playing golf, not thinking ski! LOL
Some of the best conditions at SS ... March!
Think positive. April 2, 2011 @ Seven Springs
Good posts - I should have been more precise. I just mourned the closing of the two areas closest to DC - Liberty and Whitetail. I am delighted the other areas are still going strong. Thank God for snow making! Connie Lawn
End of the season? I'm still hoping to get at least 10 more days in this year.
My season hasn't yet begun to have ended.
I just returned from Seven Springs and they were making snow all day at the top of the mountain, front and back. It looks like they were trying to get Lost Boy, Boomerang, and the top of Fawn back in shape but the top of Wagner, Stowe, Tyrol, and Avalanche were in really nice shape. I didn't venture over to Goose Bumps. Word on the mountain is that they will continue to make snow, at least through this week when weather permits.
Hell, March is my favorite ski month. Long warm days and sweet corn snow and all those nasty, icy bumps that knocked you about last month now field to warmth and easy turns. The second season is just beginning.
Liberty and Whitetail are closing due to Snotime not giving a damn about skiers. Tonight, Monday and Tuesday night will be perfect for snow making. So they will keep Roundtop open to shut up people like me and make it look like they care. I just flew in from Mammoth Thursday morning to find out that the resorts will be closing this weekend. Imagine that. I saw the webcams and weather forecast and figured out their next move before they even let it out to the public. I'm no psychic, but have watched the resorts around here bail on the season early every year. They stink, on ice. Or should I say, mud and grass.
But they don't necessarily close because of weather/conditions, but rather...lack-of-business plays into it too.
+1......Gotta pay the bills if you want to stay in business.
Liberty and Whitetail are closing due to Snotime not giving a damn about skiers. Tonight, Monday and Tuesday night will be perfect for snow making. So they will keep Roundtop open to shut up people like me and make it look like they care. I just flew in from Mammoth Thursday morning to find out that the resorts will be closing this weekend. Imagine that. I saw the webcams and weather forecast and figured out their next move before they even let it out to the public. I'm no psychic, but have watched the resorts around here bail on the season early every year. They stink, on ice. Or should I say, mud and grass.
Totally agree. Roundtop is closing on Sunday too, they just didn't announce it yet. they say they are going to make snow tonight and probably will, but it will be the absolute minimum to get them through this week, but their marketing department will spin it in such a way as to make people think they are running with 100% packed powder. STAY WELL AWAY FROM ROUNDTOP THIS WEEKEND! To all who say they did a good job with what they had, I say BS. They did the absolute minimum they had to in order to make the big holiday weekends but then slacked off horribly. they purposefully limited snowmaking on Minuteman so they could have an excuse to close early. DON'T DRINK THE KOOLAID.
We're heading to Snowshoe this weekend, they got 4 inches last night. Although the forecast for Friday is calling for rain
I dont believe it's over. Trusting memory I believe I have skied in the valley 7 of the last 10 years in April. Several times there has been a foot of powder at the end of mar. Or beginning of APR. The CV has a way of inverting the old saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.". Watch for it.
There will be more distractions from getting out on the slopes this March than normal.
Spring is at least three weeks early in the DC suburbs this year. This is way too early. Maple trees are already budding; allergies are acting up and I'm feeling like crap. A couple parts of my lawn are close to needing mowing already and it's barely past March 1st! I've never had to even think about any yard chores until at least early April. Crap!
Liberty and Whitetail are closing due to Snotime not giving a damn about skiers. Tonight, Monday and Tuesday night will be perfect for snow making. So they will keep Roundtop open to shut up people like me and make it look like they care. I just flew in from Mammoth Thursday morning to find out that the resorts will be closing this weekend. Imagine that. I saw the webcams and weather forecast and figured out their next move before they even let it out to the public. I'm no psychic, but have watched the resorts around here bail on the season early every year. They stink, on ice. Or should I say, mud and grass.
Totally agree. Roundtop is closing on Sunday too, they just didn't announce it yet. they say they are going to make snow tonight and probably will, but it will be the absolute minimum to get them through this week, but their marketing department will spin it in such a way as to make people think they are running with 100% packed powder. STAY WELL AWAY FROM ROUNDTOP THIS WEEKEND! To all who say they did a good job with what they had, I say BS. They did the absolute minimum they had to in order to make the big holiday weekends but then slacked off horribly. they purposefully limited snowmaking on Minuteman so they could have an excuse to close early. DON'T DRINK THE KOOLAID.
I won't say whether SnowTime did a good job or not with what they had to keep their slopes open. However, I do believe they would have tried harder to extend their season if enough DC area skiers would be interested in skiing in mid- March. Face it, most DC area skiers stop skiing after the first week of March, even when we have a good snow year. There just isn't any money in the areas that appeal to the average DC skiers to stay open any longer.
Now Timberline, Wisp and 7 Springs attracts a more dedicated skier crowd, who want the season to go on as long as it can. These areas cater to audience by stretching out the season.
I'm planning on supporting Timberline for staying open by attending their Luau event next weekend.
I'm planning on supporting Timberline for staying open by attending their Luau event next weekend.
You won't regret it. ALWAYS a good time!!!
I dont believe it's over. Trusting memory I believe I have skied in the valley 7 of the last 10 years in April. Several times there has been a foot of powder at the end of mar. Or beginning of APR. The CV has a way of inverting the old saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.". Watch for it.
just yesterday some of the old timers in the school system were reminiscing about how they have seen winters like this, then in late march and april were snowed in for almost a week from big storms.
As for now, I see the geese and robins have started to return. Thank god for timberline and man-made snow
This video was shot on Tuesday (two days ago) - the day that most people thought we didn't have any more snow. The sky couldn't have been nicer, the snow was just soft enough (though it was rather mushy on the last couple of runs).
I saw that Wisp plans on staying open until April 8th and has some deals available for that weekend. I may have to do a day trip up to Wisp that weekend if they have more open than just beginner terrain.
I saw that Wisp plans on staying open until April 8th and has some deals available for that weekend. I may have to do a day trip up to Wisp that weekend if they have more open than just beginner terrain.
Are you sure they didn't mean March8?
Just heard that 7Springs may be forced to close for the season next weekend! Looking at their webcams, and the forecast of a solid week in the 60's with no potential to make snow, plus 2-3 days of rain...that sounds about right.
Honestly, I don't see how, even without rain, and a solid week in the 60's they would possibly remain open past next weekend.
Time will tell! My info may not be super credible, but I know some people that know some know how that works. It's either right or wrong.
Liberty and Whitetail are closing due to Snotime not giving a damn about skiers. .....
How many days was WT actually open this year with at least an intermediate run open? 50-60?
Liberty and Whitetail are closing due to Snotime not giving a damn about skiers. .....
How many days was WT actually open this year with at least an intermediate run open? 50-60?
Probably about right considering "winter" didn't start 'til about New Years.
Roundtop officially closes Sunday
The weather foreast for the Roundtop area has highs in the 70s Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s rounding out the week.
It has surely been a short "winter". I remember one night, where we actually got some icy stuff from Mother Nature, one night!! I have a horse living outside so I'd remember if it'd actually snowed, it didn't, we got some icy stuff
one time in the entire winter.
Had to put salt on the sidewalks one time the entire winter. Didn't even really have to shovel. Didn't have to shovel out the car once!
In response to the intermediate trails open at WT. Who cares really? I go ski at Snotime resorts between 40 and 50 days a season. I have had a season pass for 6 years. Where's the live for skiers with these guys? I went to Roundtop Monday night knowing that place is going to hell in a hand basket well before the weekend. Boy was I right. Again. I forecast snow quality better than a resort who's job it is to predict snow quality. The reason Wisp and 7 Springs have a bigger fan base of skiers is because die yards like me drive there to ski after the pussyfooting at Snotime shut it down. It's obvious when you go skiing and ask people where they came from. For at least 10 years I have watched Snotime ruin winters by shutting down early. The last two years they could have pushed it further and they didn't. Maybe some dipsh:: executive with them will decide that if they had stayed open late a few years ago they would have money to make up for their 4 week late startup this year. Chumps! Chumps! Chumps! They blew snow horribly and didn't look at the long range forecasts. Look back at my previous posts on here early season. I've been calling these tool bags out for years while most people drink that Snotime Kool Aid. Notice how The Rusty isn't running his motor mouth on here regarding Snotimes excellent gold standard of customer service? It's because he know he is full of crap and do is Snotime. I try to start a biz to promote local ski industry while these guys rape it and move on without a clue and spend their time posting YouTube videos of a stupid Oppussum on a snowboard. Told you guys anyone can snowboard. I would have loved to Ollie press off the top of that rats head.
YouTube videos of a stupid Oppussum on a snowboard. Told you guys anyone can snowboard. I would have loved to Ollie press off the top of that rats head.
What a rant, especially for a guy that skis at the Snotime resorts 40+ days a year, and continues to buy season passes. No real objection to the rant, but tone down the rhetoric a bit or Scott will have to bite you!
On a more positive note, how is the ski making enterprise of yours working out?
Are you coming to Snowy Luau? Lots of warm weather for the CV this coming week, but I bet Doc and the crew at Timberline have it in pretty good shape for next weekend.
The Colonel
Jamie, come see how it's done in the hills of WV next weekend for Snowy Luau. You will enjoy. I PROMISE.
I could swear I read both on the Snowshoe website, and on here (Blue Don 1982) that SS would be open until the end of March.
And where did you see it was not open?
The Colonel
I can see how they would have changed plans... I'm at Snowshoe now and have been for almost a week before my Swiss trip. The conditions have been very good with groomed corn, considering we had a huge natural dump last week. However, Thursday it drizzled, and Friday through today it has been sunny and beautiful but cold. Today, however, it went up into almost '60 and the weather seems the same for the conceivable future. So there's no chance for snow making. Between 1100 and 1400 today we saw Upper Shays almost disappear. The front bowl, despite a huge base, will take a beating from the sun. So I'm leaving back to Philly on Tuesday after a great season and then off to Zermatt Friday...
In response to the intermediate trails open at WT. Who cares really? I go ski at Snotime resorts between 40 and 50 days a season. I have had a season pass for 6 years. Where's the live for skiers with these guys? I went to Roundtop Monday night knowing that place is going to hell in a hand basket well before the weekend. Boy was I right. Again. I forecast snow quality better than a resort who's job it is to predict snow quality. The reason Wisp and 7 Springs have a bigger fan base of skiers is because die yards like me drive there to ski after the pussyfooting at Snotime shut it down. It's obvious when you go skiing and ask people where they came from. For at least 10 years I have watched Snotime ruin winters by shutting down early. The last two years they could have pushed it further and they didn't. Maybe some dipsh:: executive with them will decide that if they had stayed open late a few years ago they would have money to make up for their 4 week late startup this year. Chumps! Chumps! Chumps! They blew snow horribly and didn't look at the long range forecasts. Look back at my previous posts on here early season. I've been calling these tool bags out for years while most people drink that Snotime Kool Aid. Notice how The Rusty isn't running his motor mouth on here regarding Snotimes excellent gold standard of customer service? It's because he know he is full of crap and do is Snotime. I try to start a biz to promote local ski industry while these guys rape it and move on without a clue and spend their time posting YouTube videos of a stupid Oppussum on a snowboard. Told you guys anyone can snowboard. I would have loved to Ollie press off the top of that rats head.
Totally agree. After 22 years of being a passholder at Roundtop, I have had enough. I'm getting a pass at seven springs next season even though roudntop is 20 minutes away ans springs is 3 hours. I'd much rather have quality and a commitment to excellence over quantity any day. Roundtop (and snowtime in general) is so focused on nickel and diming, they have completely lost sight of the customer.
In response to the intermediate trails open at WT. Who cares really? I go ski at Snotime resorts between 40 and 50 days a season. I have had a season pass for 6 years. Where's the live for skiers with these guys? I went to Roundtop Monday night knowing that place is going to hell in a hand basket well before the weekend. Boy was I right. Again. I forecast snow quality better than a resort who's job it is to predict snow quality. The reason Wisp and 7 Springs have a bigger fan base of skiers is because die yards like me drive there to ski after the pussyfooting at Snotime shut it down. It's obvious when you go skiing and ask people where they came from. For at least 10 years I have watched Snotime ruin winters by shutting down early. The last two years they could have pushed it further and they didn't. Maybe some dipsh:: executive with them will decide that if they had stayed open late a few years ago they would have money to make up for their 4 week late startup this year. Chumps! Chumps! Chumps! They blew snow horribly and didn't look at the long range forecasts. Look back at my previous posts on here early season. I've been calling these tool bags out for years while most people drink that Snotime Kool Aid. Notice how The Rusty isn't running his motor mouth on here regarding Snotimes excellent gold standard of customer service? It's because he know he is full of crap and do is Snotime. I try to start a biz to promote local ski industry while these guys rape it and move on without a clue and spend their time posting YouTube videos of a stupid Oppussum on a snowboard. Told you guys anyone can snowboard. I would have loved to Ollie press off the top of that rats head.
Totally agree. After 22 years of being a passholder at Roundtop, I have had enough. I'm getting a pass at seven springs next season even though roudntop is 20 minutes away ans springs is 3 hours. I'd much rather have quality and a commitment to excellence over quantity any day. Roundtop (and snowtime in general) is so focused on nickel and diming, they have completely lost sight of the customer.
7Springs didn't make all the right decisions this year too. Not to mention, their ads of what is open and reality have been opposite many times this year.
I too switched to 7S but I switched from HV.
One of my decisions to switch was due to the parks they have available; however, they are OFTEN closed for one reason or another. Weekends are well and good but weekends at Springs can be a chaotic event at best.
Lesser of two evils is what you are choosing here..
sin, i can tell you that if Springs is basic minvan, Roundtop is a 76 pinto. all of snowtime is so fixated on beginners and the bottom line they only do the bare minimum they need to. many times this season, they were able to blow but severely limited what they did. springs at least got all their parks AND their pipe open and THAT shows real commitment
agreed. They at least did what they could to get their high profile items visually opened. Physically opened is another story. Red ropes up blocking with the words "CLOSED" because they want to save $$ on the lifts forced to operate some of those areas.
Or the streets, closed everytime I went there.
Visually appealing, if I were better at park I'd be pissed but alas I am not so I didn't mind. I got to ride the halfpipe this year, and extremely pleased for that.
Not a shocker here but 7S just officially announced this weekend will be their last.
Obviously most eastern ski areas are hurting, and closing due to this crazy weather. But it is not just a matter of disappearing snowpack, temps in the 60s-80s cause a reaction in folks that says "time to switch gears" to another season/activity. I know my neighbor was truly shocked to find out I was going skiing in WV this weekend. Beyond comprehension that any local place had any snow left! Some local resorts like Jack Frost, Snowshoe are closing due to a lack of business, not necessarily alack of ski terrain.
The Colonel
I think every ski area in the Mid A this year is closing both for lack of snow and lack of business. That is not the case every year, but it is this year. (And I don't put much stock in what ski area marketing departments say; that's why we have places like DCSki.)
At a minimum, it's looking like 14 straight days in Davis, WV with highs above 60 degrees (only slightly cooler at the mountain.) Maybe even longer than that. We're only halfway through the warm stretch.
I think every ski area in the Mid A this year is closing both for lack of snow and lack of business. That is not the case every year, but it is this year. (And I don't put much stock in what ski area marketing departments say; that's why we have places like DCSki.)
At a minimum, it's looking like 14 straight days in Davis, WV with highs above 60 degrees (only slightly cooler at the mountain.) Maybe even longer than that. We're only halfway through the warm stretch.
In other news, the road riding and mtn biking couldn't be ANY better!!
(And I don't put much stock in what ski area marketing departments say....)
...good reason to late season support the ski areas that don't have marketing departments, because what you ski is what you got...
(And I don't put much stock in what ski area marketing departments say....)
...good reason to late season support the ski areas that don't have marketing departments, because what you ski is what you got...
If it means anything, t-line just announced that they are trying to extend the season to April 1. Go figure.
If it means anything, t-line just announced that they are trying to extend the season to April 1. Go figure.
I'll bet you we will also be skiing at white grass more than once before all is said and done. (some NAO predictions saying it's going strong negative end of march) surprised fishnski hasn't blogged about it!
If it means anything, t-line just announced that they are trying to extend the season to April 1. Go figure.
If it means anything, I'm trying to hook up with Kasha Rigby.
Just saw that Wisp closes Saturday, March 17. Sorry to see it happen.