I rely on Chip's daily reports on Whitegrass.com. They are honest. What more do you need?
Fair question. But Chip had a prominent link on the WG reports page, so he also saw some value in Dave Lester's site.
Some reasons I'll give:
- Detailed new snowfall and base depth measurements updated very early in the AM (useful enough for planning a predawn jaunt out to the Valley from NOVA.) How often does Chip measure at the snow stake?
- As mentioned, previous days measurements. Often the valley gets 3-4 inches at at time for a week straight. Cumulative numbers add up
- Canaan Heights is fairly high up (Dave's location), so it gives a pretty good indication of what happened mid mountain up, versus at the base. (Any locals want to contradict that?)
Chip will tell you how things are skiing. Dave will tell you the numbers. If you've used his numbers, I think you get a better picture of how things are skiing. Just IMHO.