Not normal but it has happened before. I remember the last time, about 15 years ago. Europe got the cold ad snow this winter, while we experienced a very poor year on this side of the pond, other than the PNW.
The mountains over there (British isles and Ireland) are small but you can see the characteristic U shaped valleys that indicate glacial carving. On a trip to Ireland I marveled at how many minature Tuckerman Ravines I saw in the Wicklow Mountains which are very small and rarely see snow today, but the glaciers were there in the last 20,000 years.
Speaking of glacially carved terrain, I am going to Mt. Washington next week. I'll be skiing the summit snowfields probably on Th/F. If weather turns bad ill go over to VT and see my daughter and grandsons. The annual auto road opening in late May begins a 2-3 week window of easy access to the summit snowfields and the Great Gulf, I did the latter when I was young and stupid, 65, but I don't do the scary stuff on the Rockpile any more.