I can't cut my grass right now without getting stung
Funny, I can't cut the grass around here without getting stung by a summer beer.
Denis, haven't noticed the yellow jackets this year (knock, knock famous words of bad luck), but over the years I've had several bees/yellow jackets/wasps fly into me. Either went down my shirt or once, I almost swallowed it. Stunk the back of my throat. Yep, ya herd right. Back of my mouth started swelling up real bad, fortunately no major issues (but I wuz 18.)
Mowed over yellow jackets nest in the past, numerous. Now, that is not a fun experience.
I've got a wasp's nest in one shrub (6" long or so), that I've nuked with foaming pesticide. Think I killed 'em, but not sure. Any recommendations?