The upper portion of East Wall was twice as thick as that photo. We didn't even attempt to hike through. I don't think we tried East Wall from Edgeset in 2010.
Edgeset to East Wall was incredibly thick back in Feb 2010. A couple of people did do the bushwack, I'm pretty certain Vince was one of them. I didn't even bother, since it clearly wasn't worth it.
Like Marcus, I can remember the old East Wall, it was very open back in the mid-late 90's. But I won't wax poetic about it. Problem was, the base was incredibly rocky unless you found a lucky line. It was risky to even take rock skis in there.
Blue Knob needs to take a brush hog into a lot of those "trails" and keep them in better shape. If they hadn't logged and over thined the tree canopy, a lot of that undergrowth would not occur.