The Stars by your name, what do they mean?
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November 26, 2012
Member since 08/24/2007 🔗
134 posts
I have to know what the stars mean. I don't feel I am a 2 star kind of guy.I was a 5 star at one time. Any explanation would be appreciated
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
November 26, 2012
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,565 posts
Well, yer a three star guy now. Promoted to Patton? (I did check some of your posts and you provide updates on HV.)

The user rating is kinda BS, IMHO. Piss one person off (that bloody wanker) and you're "rating" plummets, especially if only 1 or 2 others rates you. I've been involved with some "interesting discussions", especially on Blue Knob glade skiing. About 5 years apart. I noticed that my rating took a plummet after that. And it will prolly again once the peanut gallery speaks. grin

Remember, it's all good when we're sliding down non-liquid H20.
November 27, 2012
Member since 08/24/2007 🔗
134 posts
Thanks for the input and the star.
November 28, 2012
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
A five star rating for John from a guy who also took hits during the good ole Blue Knob days!
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
November 28, 2012
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,565 posts
Back at ya. cool
November 28, 2012
Member since 12/14/2011 🔗
87 posts
"Remember, it's all good when we're sliding down non-liquid H20."

Unless the non-liquid H20 is in the form of a diagonal ice skating rink, which seems to happen all to often late in cold busy day here in the east.
November 28, 2012
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
Originally Posted By: 2PTOG
Unless the non-liquid H20 is in the form of a diagonal ice skating rink,

I'll take one of those anyway.

If you ever see someone steadily doing an absolutely ridiculous number of turns per vertical, say hi.

Chances are it's either me or someone I persuaded to play the game.
Laurel Hill Crazie
November 28, 2012
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,053 posts
I played that game with you. Nice game. *****
November 30, 2012
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
I think you won by 3-4 turns.
November 30, 2012
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Originally Posted By: jeffo4
I have to know what the stars mean. I don't feel I am a 2 star kind of guy.I was a 5 star at one time. Any explanation would be appreciated

Ha, hey there jeffo. Three stars are what all teh cool kids are wearing cool . Five stars is just to much bling. I did give you a fiver though.
December 3, 2012
Member since 03/18/2002 🔗
343 posts
Originally Posted By: jimmy
I did give you a fiver though.

(For the uninitiated, most of us have given jimmy a high rating. One user, during the Summer of Forum Hissy Fits, was able to tweak that downwards, so quite a few veterans on these boards will have lower ratings than the overall quality of their posts warrants).
December 7, 2012
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Ah deejay, those were the days my friend those were the days.

You know we still have some great writers posting here, Denis, JimK & Laurel Hill Crazie to name just a few. I miss teh grate poastings of so many though, all of the prolific threads. Who among us that was here in those golden days of DCSki, just months after algore invented teh tubes, could forget such literary masterpieces as The Statue of Andy, Summer beer/winter beer, Moonshine Mountain and the Untopic, that Epic Saga about, well it means different thing to different people......................

Those were the days my friend, there was even stuff going on in the summer. Can you imagine, people posting on a ski forum in the summer???????????? unheard of before the golden age of DCSki. But I digress, hard to focus ananananananananana oh the thing that was so remarkable was the quality of the literary content, this was like the NewYorker, or for a more of a MidAtlantic comparison the Shenandoah, great writing, serious, humorous, informative, scientific we had it all.

Those were the days my friend, drunk posting with Crush, Andy whatever happened to andy, heather, tgd, johnfmh, gatkinso, KevR, i could go on but i digress, can someone tell me?

the best way to get to snowshoe

There's still a bit of snow on the ground at timberline today
Anybody got anything significant to say?

These are the days my friends smile
December 7, 2012
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
In the words of a literary great, "sez who?" It was good back in da day. Rapid fire posts, bringing lurkers out of hiding, makin plans for the weekend and tips on whut kind o' beer to buy.

Faviorite runs not the ones caused by what you eat and destination info/sharing. What's the best way to snoshoe?

Where u were guarantee to see a local cop lookin for out-of-state revenue and the best sno car, tires, dog.... who had the biggest hangover, when...

none of this is caused by global warming no matter what owl gore sez. Dennis' junk boards...

jimmi is wright. those were the days...
December 7, 2012
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
Originally Posted By: jimmy
....those were the days my friend those were the days......

So whatever happened to Mountain Masher? Was he banned for life?
December 7, 2012
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
U didnt mention the "Professor"..RogerZ.. Mr Jimmie..
DCski was his main Squeeze till he ran off with his Mistress...
Crush dont...JUST drink...I think...
I used to b a 5 star...then I ran into Ibotta/Snowsmith..
Some dude named Glen?..threatened my life in a PM..

There was a time I would run to the Computer to Ck out the latest Episode of "DCSKI"..Back Before we became a Family blog...

I remember after every Hellatious Rant about anything but skiing I would have to rack the Pickled brains to link it to skiing to make the post Legit....Thanks for the Memories uall!!
December 7, 2012
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
MOUNTAIN MASHER....Now that was some funny ST back then!!

I think he came back as "dcskireader" to the side posts..
December 12, 2012
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Originally Posted By: fishnski
U didnt mention the "Professor"..RogerZ.. Mr Jimmie..

Ya RogerZ and his dog Murphy were a bunch of fun, i always enjoyed my discussions with lbotta, the three of them are pretty good writers as well. Lou still comes around once in a while but RZ and Murphy, well it's been quite a while since we have heard from them.

oooh wait a while, what was that??? Oh yes ok, i forgot all about that, where was I??

oh yeah UNOWUT?? there are some newer poasters here showing some great potentialities but not sure which side of the "family Blog" line they will end up on.

Stay tuned Mr. Fish, these are the days my friend, these are the days
December 12, 2012
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
still lookin' fer that statu of andy on mt pointe crayon...
December 12, 2012
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Haha that thing, in a normal year should be covered in <censored> snow by now.

speaking of covered in snow what is this <censored> about timberlame only being open to the HOLE this weekend???

Did you see the size of those <censored> whales they made last night?????

someone fire up a groomer and lets get this party started.
December 12, 2012
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Still waitin on the word from bobby's world to make any rumor ofishal. if it's only the [censored] hole they won't be open to make any $$$ just to give the boy scouts a place to play.

Ski and Tell

Speak truth to powder.

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