Rumors of CV correct?
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December 6, 2012
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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By the looks of snowmaking efforts at CV Ski Area at the state park, they don't seem to be just ready at this time to gear up snowmaking. I heard rumors during the fall that they may not get the ski area up and running for this season due to construction and that a decision would be made around the holiday period. I hope this was only a rumor and not, in fact, the case. I would imagine that every effort is being made to get, at a minimum, the tubing park open, but see no evidence of snowmaking in that area either.
December 6, 2012
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
That should really make Guest Services happy. They won't have to staff the ski area this winter. I feel sorry for the folks who work at the ski area if this is how it goes. History shows that skiing is way down on the list of priorities over there.

December 6, 2012
Member since 12/15/2005 🔗
289 posts
Timberline Resort management will, of course, be delighted.
The Colonel
December 6, 2012
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
If CV does not open, then Timberline regulars should be depressed due to the severe overcrowding that will occur at TL!!!! with it's awful old sllooowwww chairs!
Adding to gas to the rumors of a skiless season at CV is the resort's lack of communications. You would think, especially since they read DCSki that they could provide an honest situation report re the ski area operation this season, better the truth than to let rumors spread!
The Colonel frown
December 6, 2012
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
get your touring gear out and ride it anyway, that will show'em
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
December 6, 2012
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,565 posts
If CV doesn't open, 7 Springs and Wisp may get most of the previous customers.
December 7, 2012
Member since 03/14/2005 🔗
893 posts
Originally Posted By: JohnL
If CV doesn't open, 7 Springs and Wisp may get most of the previous customers.

I agree...but also think t-line will loose customers because of it...folks who go over to stay at Canaan often spend a day at Canaan and a day at t-line and maybe even a day at whitegrass...a lot of folks who choose to go on vacation and primarily ski at t-line are going tubing with kids over at Canaan...if that tubing option isn't available at Canaan then some of the folks who usually vacation in the valley are going to choose places like wisp since they can't tube anywhere in the valley...its amazing how many people ask about tubing or talk about how they went tubing the night before over at's funny that year after year the biggest enemy, the thing that hurts t-line and canaan resorts the most is the decisions and moves they make themselves...its become so routine over the years that its hard to by sympathetic, especially when it hurts all the other businesses in the area...
December 8, 2012
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
Originally Posted By: Tucker's funny that year after year the biggest enemy, the thing that hurts t-line and canaan resorts the most is the decisions and moves they make themselves...its become so routine over the years that its hard to by sympathetic, especially when it hurts all the other businesses in the area...

December 8, 2012
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
QFT..? Xcuse my Ignorance...

Looking at the Canaan webcams I see the Same Dump truck that has not moved since I was up there this Summer...WTF??? Cannot Believe the BS...The Sandycane storm is no excuse since they had forever to get this done..
OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!...Oh..Forgot..anything to do with Govt is not accountable.They are immune from anything...forgot...Back to reality...Govt IS our life now....
December 9, 2012
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Consider it an expansion of Whitegrass.
December 9, 2012
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Wonder if they'll turn the lifts on weekends just for the 1 rider-Whitegrassers?
December 12, 2012
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
Wishful thinking or is CVR getting ready to blow some snow???? They've removed the silt fence on the hill below the lift and there appears to be snowmobile tracks in the snow in several locations. There seems to be a lot of acvtivity and they finally moved the dump truck!
December 12, 2012
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
I think they either are cleaning up the mess or have read this thread. They still haven't hooked guns up... don't see any hoses. They are missing this snow making window and will have to wait for the colder weather next week. As a matter of fact, after checking the cams at most ski areas I doubt if a lot will have much if anything open before Christmas. The old reliables of Snowshoe, Timbereline, Winterplace, and Wisp should and will be skiing advanced terrain at each.
Some of the areas that missed last year's holiday period are at risk to do so again unless Jack Frost cooperates, and quickly.
December 13, 2012
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
CVR is blowing!!!
December 13, 2012
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Originally Posted By: SCWVA
CVR is blowing!!!

Have been for >5 years now...
January 14, 2013
Member since 03/14/2005 🔗
893 posts
...swung by CVR on sat and was pleasently surprised...the new beginner area is perfect for learning/teaching...they had the surface lift for that beginner area working with a bunch of customers utilizing the new area...this new area also connects the lodge to the B lift---so now skiers can get on the lifts without walking up cardiac hill...the tube park was up and running with a bunch of folks having a good time...the tube run is looong and looks like fun...the building at the bottom of the tubing park looks real nice and there were several folks around the outdoor fireplace....the place was busy---looked like there were actually more customers over there on Sat. than at timberline, but with the way they have things spread out now it didn't look as crowded as timberline(certainly didn't see people standing around in long lines)...all in all the improvements looked great and it is refreshing to see some up to date, 21st century improvements in the valley...they are now installing siding on the new hotel/lodge across the highway, so that work is continueing through winter...with the improvements I'd say that CVR now has the best terrain in the valley for 1st timers and beginners...If they ever start making snow seriously at CVR they will be taking a lot of skiers away from is a picture of the new beginer area with magic carpet...fairly crappy looking snow, but it is easy to imagine what it would look like after a little natural to hide the mud/dirt...

January 14, 2013
Member since 12/17/2011 🔗
352 posts
The snowmaking of Canaan Valley should impress us all this winter. They have several new snow guns powered by some new impressive electronics above mid-station. Give them the next 4 days and WATCH OUT!

hummm... I agree here with Tucker...they are onto something here:
The secluded, long slope for teaching WITHOUT racers flying by is... about to set a new benchmark.
January 15, 2013
Member since 12/26/2009 🔗
559 posts
Good indeed.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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