7S uses an antique snowmaking system that WAS considered cutting edge back during the 1800's. Today, for our area, it's a giant waste of time/money.
They force compressed air and water into a pipe that is elevated and when it combines, out comes snow from a tiny nozzle
HV uses a system that blows the water in the front of what appears to be a turbine fanjet. The air coming from the mega fan turns the water into snow and thus continues to force the snow outwards in a giant circle of happiness.
Also apparently, as 7S uses a compressed air process that one could make in their backyard with an air compressor and a pressure washer, this apparently either heats up the air which assuredly it must, which in turn requires lower temps to make snow. I would think that the colder the pipes carrying the water/air the easier it is to make snow so, if they are covered in snow vs exposed to sun it would matter.
I also heard that HV's system , if they opted for these, could have controls on the units including cameras with lights. This would allow an operator to sit in a booth, view the progress and if needed , raise /lower the snow making head or, turn it left/right using a joystick after selecting the cooresponding number.
I would love to see that in action. That's all I want for xmas. Snowmaking to me, is facinating and has created so much happiness for me in the previous years, how could I not love to check something like that out?
It's akin to visiting a xmas tree farm, or the north pole, or a candy factory, or for me, a woodworking or fireworks facility. Just cool!
7S, I can do their method in my backyard. I would like to take one of their CAT tours however.
For those of you that say " well then why did you get a season pass there"
For the vertical and the possibility to make quick laps on non busy days on their speedlifts. For me, it's all about the north face.
EDIT: FYI HV is making snow where it doesn't affect the people and in areas that desperately need in order to open, such as the side areas as their concern is that people will ride over those areas thinking there is covern only to hit ground with the limited snow from this snowfall, so they will cover what they can to so that doesnt happen. later on they will turn on the mountain but, they are not sure if this will include the north summit.
7S is making snow currently in all areas where they have HV like guns. Cannon guns. Congestion areas mostly. They WILLLLLLLLLLLLL turn their entire mountain on as soon as weather permits. Do they intend on opening the north face or avalanche etc ASAp? Probably not. But their reasoning is probably to show people they ARE doing what they can with their equipment when possible to get the mountain open fully.
The good news is, the cold is FINALLY here and it doesn't look like we will see a week long of 50 degrees and rain.
The bad news is for people like me that had this week and next week off. Between no snow, rain and the holiday/family requirements, my access to enjoy is very limited. The best week would have been to take off the week after xmas.
Such is life. No biggy.